Meeting at the Coffee shop

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This chapter is to give a little bit more detail about this AU.
Spoilers for V3

*1:02 p.m. / NO POV *

Rantaro and Shuichi made their way into town, They were meeting Kaede, Miu, Maki, and Kaito for an "emergency meeting" at the local coffee shop. Without any details, they were told to meet everyone at one o'clock. They were currently just arriving in town, going to be a little late..

They spotted the small shop, as they opened the large glass doors the smell of coffee hit their noses, the shop was warm and comforting compared to the harsh wind outside. They looked around the tables to finally spot their friends sitting at a table, Both boy's made their way over, getting greeted.

((This parts going to be a lot of talking, stay with me jsjshdh))

" Hey guys! " Kaede shouted being the first to notice them. Kaito waved afterwards, his big confident smile giving them a greeting.

Miu turned around and shot Rantaro a glare. Rantaro returned it.. they both laughed at each other.

Maki just watched them walk over, her red eyes piercing them both as they walked over.

They both took a seat, Kaede wrapping her arms around Shuichi. Rantaro looked around at everyone quickly, " Okay okay.. so what's this emergency meeting about..? " He asked calmly, Shuichi on the other hand was panicking.. a lot.

" This isn't the best subject to bring up, just hear me out... that killing game... " Kaede said softly, she went slow trying to get everyone's reactions before continuing the topic.

Kaito and Maki scowled hearing it, Miu and Rantaro Both didn't have a reaction to it, and Shuichi was starting to curl up, he heard the words "killing game" and didn't want to hear anymore.

Kaede continued.. " We were the third group to go through it, right? Well I just heard news that the people from the other two games actually live around here! "

Everyone stared at her, Miu harshly put it.. " And why do we fuckin care? "

Kaede sighed, " Come on guys! They live around here, they went through the same thing we did! Some even work for the future foundation! "

" Again- " Miu tried to repeat herself before Rantaro cut her off. " Your saying they live close around here? " Kaede nodded violently.

" Apparently at some point we'll be meeting them. " she stopped herself letting everyone react again.

" Meet?! " Shuichi repeated in distress. " Yeah like a party! Honestly I'm excited.. "

" A party? What the fuck. Hey guys let's all get together because you all went through traumatic events so we can all celebrate and dance around. " Miu rolled her eyes at Kaede. " I'm just repeating what I heard! " she said defensively.

" heard from who? " Rantaro asked

" Tsumuigi. " Kaede said blandly

" Oh of course you got it from her lying ass " Miu growled

" Hey! She may have... But she's not like that! She's a good person. She's asked for forgiveness so many times. "

" Wonder how she got that information. " Kaito said, thinking deeply.

" isn't it obvious? She was the mastermind for gods sake. She obviously knows people from the other games" Maki snapped

Kaito nodded, " Yeah I agree with Maki-roll! " ... " Your the one that asked idiot. " she growled back

" But this is pretty big, thanks Kaede. " Rantaro said, glancing at Shuichi who was still stuck on the whole meeting the other people part.

Kaede smiled.

" So when is this party happening? I have to save up for alcohol. " Miu asked.

" Weren't you the one against the whole party thing? " Shuichi questioned.


Kaede sighed, " I don't know, I'll let you guys know what Tsumuigi says.. "

" Alright. " They all agreed.


There will be a part two for this!
This AU is after the killing game, (isn't cannon I made this up) it was sorta like VR, similar to the second game's turn out..


622 words
Date: 11/27/20
Completed: 12:48 a.m.

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