₁₂ ft. shusui's ( y/n's assistant ) girlfriend :o

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"L/N-SAN YOU NEED TO STOP EATING." shusui her assistant said while standing in front of her boss's table with her boss stuffing her face with sushi. "you got soy sauce on the report paper!" she added holding up a formal document with a stain in the corner but you could tell it was soy sauce from the smell from it.

"but sakusa said to eat properly." y/n added quietly in a conflicted voice while she stared at her food in her hands. her face looking like a puppy in the rain before she slowly puts another whole sushi in her mouth earning a disappointed sigh from her secretary.

"you need to sign these papers!" shusui slid some papers on the only part of the desk that wasn't a complete wreck.

"what are the papers for?" she asked turning her head to the younger girl and throwing the now empty plate in the trash can along with her used chopsticks.

"it's for approving the next manga to produce."

"ah alright alright." she hummed wipping her wiping her fish smelling hands with tissue.

"oh! here i forgot to give it to you yesterday but someone dropped these off for you!" shusui remembered pulling an small white envelope out of her pocket and handing it over.

y/n got the envelope and opened it by ripping it not caring if it got ruined. she saw a few pieces of paper then examined it a little closer and noticed that it was the seats and detail plans for the olympic games from her one and only ex boyfriend, kuroo. "do you have a boyfriend? or did you ever have a boyfriend?" she asked her assistant as she placed the paper and envelope into the desk's drawer.

"n-nope," shusui stuttered looking at the ground getting red and began fiddling her fingers, because of her reaction y/n suspected that she was lying but her next words surprised her for sure. "i have, have, a girl, girlfriend." she said quietly looking at the ground kinda scared to meet her boss's eyes out of fear for getting fired.

"a girlfriend?!"



"thank, thank you!" she looked up relived and bowed slightly then looked at her starry eyed boss. "but why do you ask?" she coughed getting embarrassed.

"what does it mean if someone tells you to get enough sleep but they still seenzone your messages?" she questioned with determination standing up and putting her hands on her desk slightly aggressively. "does that mean he likes me or at least finds me pretty?" in her experience, most people only treated her nicely because they found her pretty and would ignore once they were done with her.

"i'm not, not an expert-"

"like he told me to eat properly than hung up on me." she continued in almost a ranting tone but when shusui looked at her face y/n was bright red. "he did research about my work but doesn't want to admit it and still calls me annoying."

"again i'm, i'm not an expert." shusui warned again because she was sure y/n didn't hear her the first time. "maybe he sees you like a younger sister? i have an older sibling that does the same!" she suggested.

"a younger sister?" the older girl's tensed muscles relaxed out of disappointment and the look on her face was of disbelief. she slumped back on her chair and crossed her arms like a child.

"my girlfriend usually greets me good morning and gives me snacks!" the secretary shared with a huge smile on her face showing the candy her lover gave her this morning. the usual energetic youthful shusui was replaced with an embarrassed one. "but l/n-san, didn't you mention you had boyfriends before?" she added in a questioning tone.

"how did you know?!"

"you ranted about it during my first company party." she remembered it vividly as she didn't drink at that time because she knew she couldn't hold her alcohol in. "you didn't mention their names though, you told me about test tube and dog nerd and the brown fluffy haired boy you kissed when you were a toddler and some stoner you met in the park during your vacation-"

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