₁₆ ft. wow you've grown taller

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"HEY TESTUROU! KENMA!" y/n stood up from the bench she was sitting down on and waved at the two familiar figures approaching her. she just came from keiko's match, and thankfully they won but it was an intense match. after that, rumin left with her brother, leaving y/n alone on a bench.

"hey y/n!" the six foot man with permanent bed hair exclaimed.

"hey guys it's been a while!" she beamed.

"when did you get so tall." kenma asked lifting his head up slightly surprised with her sudden height increase. he hasn't seen her since high school and she was around 5'0 ft so seeing her at 5'7 ft is kinda strange.

"i'm just built different!" she laughed but no she's not built differently, she's just a late bloomer. "but i heard about bouncing ball corp, looks like we're both ceos!"

"hey what about me?" kuroo asked with a pouty tone.

"you only grew like an inch since high school, but that's okay you were tall enough already." y/n said lifting her hand up to touch his bangs. she wasn't sure what he asking about the height thing or the being a ceo, so she just answered for both conversations. "but hey! being an employee at japan volleyball association, sounds like a high paying job to me!"

"how have you been with your animation studio?" he asked.

"super well! we got netflix to pick up one of our anime and we have just enough money to make a season 2 of our best selling manga."

"that's good to hear, i see you're still as energetic as ever." kuroo began to think of their time in high school which was more than five years ago. "you haven't changed a bit since high school."

"i'm not sure if that's a good thing or not." she knew there was a fair amount of people who disliked her greatly in high school. in nekoma, komemadai, and aoba johsai.

"everyone thought you would end up becoming a drug addict." kenma mentioned blandly like it didn't mean much. "you were all over the place. you would always change your interests every week and it would get weird sometimes, so we just guessed you'll be super invested with drugs at one point.' he explained after seeing the look on y/n and kuroo's face.

"kenma! y/n don't worry-"

"really?" y/n asked putting on a smile with confused eyes. "i mean that does kinda mean i exceeded their expectations." she awkwardly laughed trying to ease the conversation.

"we all agreed that if you weren't going to become a drug addict, you were going to be a prostitute."

"wait weren't we like first years-" she actually knew about that one, but as much as she wanted to confront it and get mad at it, they had a valid reason to think that. during her one year in nekoma, she knew she had a pretty face and used it to her advantage. to say she didn't use her pretty privilege to get away with things, would be a lie.

"okay that's enough!" kuroo cut her off so this conversation wasn't going to get any worse. "are your excited for the match?"

upon the mention of the match, she switched her face immediately. it brightened and her eyes was coated with excitement. "yeah! i can't wait to see kiyoomi- i mean, sakusa!" she exclaimed taking a quick glance at her phone which was a reminder to herself that she left sakusa on seen.

"is he a friend of yours?" the science nerd asked.

"i think so?" she didn't know what to call her relationship with sakusa. they were much closer to acquaintances than friends. but she didn't want to think about it so she changed the topic. "i'm surprised kenma came to watch."

"i'm here for shoyo."

"hinata?" y/n raised a brow while she dug deep into her memory trying to remember all she can about hinata shoyo. "i really like his spikes! and he's pretty short for a volleyball player who's not a libero. it's a shame, he's really good at receiving too." although she doesn't play volleyball, she dated volleyball players so of course she has knowledge on the terms.

"y/n?" a voice from behind the three of them called out. y/n turned around and immediately recognised that voice and face. she left kuroo and kenma's side and ran towards the man how called her name then embraced him into a hug.


"what are you doing here?" sachiro asked hugging her back and patting her back. "i didn't expect you to be here." he pulled away and asked with a smile, while kuroo and kenma just stood there watching.

"i'm here to watch of course!" she giggled. "i heard korai is playing today! i'm so proud of him for making it to the olympic team!" and somehow an even brighter smile was placed on her lips. she remembered how korai and hirugami would practice 24/7 nonstop, seeing korai succeed made her feel some type of way, almost in a ready eye way. "i'll see you guys later, i'll catch up hiru first!" she turned to kuroo and kenma with a wave.

sachiro also waved at them recognising them from high school nationals. the team captain and setter of nekoma, of course he would greet a fellow tokyo school graduate. kuroo waved back and kenma just nodded his head before walking away.

"does korai know you're watching today?" he asked while the two walked to the arena. although it wasn't verbally stated, they decided to just walk together and part ways when one of them reaches their seat.

"i don't think so? i haven't been in contact with him for the past few years." she stated honestly, she always wanted to contact them but she would always find some excuse not to. "but surprising him would be fun." she smiled.

"you we're so hard to reach after you transferred to miyagi." sachiro sighed before chuckling. "if we didn't see you so often on the internet we would've assumed you died or something." he joked before turning his head to face her. "but you're taking care of yourself well, right?" he asked in a very aggressively passive look, like he was threatening her to look after herself.

"yes! i'm living a very nice lifestyle now!" she answered immediately after his question sent a quick shiver down her spin. in her second year, she had trouble adjusting when she transferred but he and korai looked after her. they were like her guardian angels or some north star to guide her. "oh wait i heard your a vet now!"

"yeah i am, and that reminds me! my dog misses you."

"your dog still remembers me." she gasped putting a hand over her mouth. she stated at him with wide eyes and he looked back at her with a smile. "do you have a girlfriend now?" she blurted out loud accidentally after noticing how well his already handsome features developed.

"no, i'm too busy to have a girlfriend now a days but my sister keeps trying to set me up for blind dates."

"that's too bad, you've gotten so much more attractive compared to high school."

"you too, you've gotten prettier and taller too. you're taller then korai now i think." he laughed using his hand to give an idea of how tall he was now. "do you have a new boyfriend?" he asked thinking it was okay to ask her since she asked him.

"nope! but i'm pursuing someone!"

"really?" he does admit that he missed dating her, those stupid moments of y/n running in the rain while his only goal was to put an umbrella above her head. the following she got sick and he took care of her. they were more than friends, but less than lovers.

"yeah! i'm not going to stop until he likes me."

"you're still as determined as ever." he looked at her with nostalgia in his eyes. he recalled how she would never stop when she wants something, to the point of ignoring her own health. she was once like this about him. "don't you get tired?" he mumbled but still hoped she heard him.

much to his demise, she didn't hear him say the last part. "my seat is around this area." she pointed towards the seat isle. "i'll get going now! lets see korai together after the game!" she suggested.

"alright! see you later!"

xinwen fell in love with chuuya nakahara all over again !
FUN FACT OF THE DAY : this book was supposed to end when y/n got blocked in the third chapter because at some point i didn't know where to go with the book so why not end it !

what do you guys think of the y/n here? personally i don't like her but i don't hate her too 🥶 LOL ALSO THIS CHAPTER WAS USED TO GIVE HER CHARACTER SOME OTHER CHARACTERISTICS

also congratulations to people who got married in the comments i wish u guys the happiest moments 🥰😫

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