Mysteries Are Exciting

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Sunlight beamed through the glass panes that lined the walls of the stairway. Dust danced in the glow, suspended like time had been frozen just for this moment. Some of the younger children bounced past you down the stairs, taking zero notice of the pretty patterns the shadows made in the light. The praxeum was an eclectic mix of traditional stonework and practical electrical engineering required to run the academy. It was by no means a pretty building. If this had been Makeb the sides would have been open, supported by just pillars so that you could see the surroundings. There it was for the second time today. You're not still on Makeb. This is home now.

Finally you made it to the top of the bell. At this time of the day there weren't many people up here. The makeshift library was too small to host a class of any practical size, and besides morning lessons hadn't even begun yet. As you reached the doorway the familiar little room welcomed you back with the smell of parchment and leather. The reading bench you'd spent so much time tucked into was still crammed into one corner and piles of books dotted the floor. Gradually the collection had grown as Master Skywalker found new volumes, but no one had really thought to put together another bookshelf. There facing the shelves was your target. He was running his finger along the row, so lost in thought he hadn't spotted you hovering. It made you laugh how Ben was now tall enough that he could only just stand upright in the little room. Hirk would have the same problem if he ever came up here. "If you're looking for my stash of Sith secrets I'm afraid I hid it elsewhere."

The corner of Ben's mouth twitched, but he carried on scanning the shelf. His brow was furrowed just enough to hide his eyes in shadow. "Caught red handed, amateur mistake," he pulled a volume out and finally turned to you. He still stood a head above you in height, but he seemed so much bigger in comparison now. To start with his chest and shoulders had filled out exponentially in his later teens. Hours upon hours of training had built up defined muscles and a presence that was undeniable. He was quite different to how he'd been in the days of chasing each other round the praxeum. You both were. "Sorry you'll have to make do with...? " you gestured quizically to the book in his hands.

"A comprehensive guide to Tython," he held up the cover to you. It took you less than 3 strides to cross the room to his side. You'd read this before, it was informative but not particularly exciting. Flicking through the pages quickly you hummed for a second. "The geography and biology sections are great, but I'd skip the part on the Jedi history. Instead-" leaning back you surveyed the shelves yourself. You'd seen it somewhere only last week you swore. It was next to that really cool one on lightsaber design. Got it. Pulling a thick leather bound text from the middle shelf you presented it to Ben, "try this for Jedi history in the deep core." He gave you a warm smile and accepted the gift. "Knew I could rely on your expertise," as he slid the larger novel into his clutch you saw him noticed the state of your clothes. Ben raised one eyebrow in his usually cocky manner like he'd just caught you misbehaving. You hated that smug face, it usually meant he was right about something. "Not worried that someone will beat you in combat forms are you?"

"Not a chance, who doesn't enjoy watching the sun rise on a freezing morning," he was trying to get a rise out of you. As you were about to come out with another tease you saw he smile drop. Ben stared right into you for a moment, his brown eyes as complex as the deep Yavin forests. His gaze shifted as he became a little sheepish all of a sudden. "Its today isn't it?"

How had he remembered that?

"You uh... mentioned a few weeks ago it was coming up." he shifted the books to the other arm. "You said you'd probably go watch the sunrise, that it was closest you could get apart from the forest." He'd actually remembered. Your head drooped and you started to fiddle with the hem of your tunic. You hadn't meant to let it slip and only Ben had been around, but still you didn't think he was paying attention.

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