Everything You Need

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Hello readers, I hope you're enjoying so far. I'd really appreciate some feedback so please comment on some chapters! Commenting and voting will also help this fic get some more reach. Enjoy this chapter, it'll be significantly longer than the others!


Beneath your feet the heavy rumbling of the transport ship reverberated through your bones, making it hard to concentrate on meditating. The durasteel walls surrounded you on all sides, hiding any natural light that would otherwise fill the space. Soft hisses of compressed air would periodically break the monotonous drone of the engines. You scraped your thick boot soles against the floor, trying to keep your toes warm. Clearly it was too much luxury to have the heaters on. On the bench to your left lay your pack, filled with the necessary rations, water, and notes. Normally you'd give them a final read, but at this point you knew every line off by heart and no amount of extra reading was going to make the answers appear.

In true fashion, Layla was pacing the open space in front of you, taping away on her datapad. She was the real tech whiz, so you'd left your own datapad back on Yavin. Any electrical or mechanical challenges were going to be her domain, yours was interpreting any runes or Jedi text. Further down the main hangar Ben and Hirk were pouring over the one map you'd been provided. Taped to the edge, almost comically, was the small extra map you'd all managed to piece together from books. If you were to find any of the Jedi artefacts then by stars you needed some good leads on the ground. For a moment you pondered if the other group had much more to go on than you did. You quickly brushed the thought aside, this wasn't a competition.

Standing once more you pulled your thick robes over your shoulders and replaced the utility belt over the top. Luckily Tython was supposed to be a lot warmer than this. Leaving Layla to focus on her work you headed over to the map station.

"-once we get to the top of the ridge the tree line should tell us the rest." Hirk finished explaining his route to Ben, who's brow was furrowed in concentration. He unfolded his arms as you leant your hands on the table.

"What's the plan looking like?" the navigation was down to Hirk, and so far it looked like he had it locked down.

"Pretty much sorted. After we're set down at the seeing stone-" Hirk gestured to one of the few defined points on the map, "- we're going to head across to the mountain ridge. If the ancient temple was as hidden as you say the texts suggest then logically it would be hidden in the valley. Stone work on that scale would still leave marks on the land, gaps in the trees and stuff." He pulled the smaller map into focus. "As I was saying to Ben, from the ridge we should have a vantage point to see those marks in the valley, if any exist. From there we'll have to let the force guide us." Despite his outwardly carefree demeanour, Hirk held a deep trust in the force. In fact he was one of the strongest wielders of it in the older students. He just also used it to play catch with a beanbag.

Ben hummed to himself for a moment, "how long until we reach Tython?" He'd sort of become the defacto leader of the group. You all had your strengths, and Ben's was undoubtedly command of a situation. You didn't mind one bit, you trusted him unconditionally.

"Two and a half hours," Layla came over tucking the datapad under her arm, completing the group. "It should be midday when we get there. No stress everyone we've got this." She beamed with that ever comforting Layla enthusiasm.

"I'm glad you're so confident. What's the plan until then?" You needed something to keep you distracted or the nerves would get to you.

"Get some rest if you can, once we get there we won't stop until dark sets in." Ben folded up the map and slid it into Hirk's pack on the table, signalling the end of planning. That wasn't a bad idea, you just knew your jitters wouldn't settle down for a nice nap. You hated feeling this nervous, you were used to being so well prepared that luck wouldn't be a primary factor to your success. Now it was the key. Mindlessly you started to drum your fingers on the table edge.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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