Chapter 3

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Author's Note- Hey guys, this will be a short fill in chapter. Hope you guys like it, so enjoy, comment and vote!!! -LYG

Trish's POV:

I just got done with work, and I'm ready to find Trent. I ring his doorbell, and Trent opens the door. I wonder if his parents are still on vacation. "Hey babe." Trent says, and tries to kiss me. I stop him. "Where have you been, I haven't seen you since last week." I said. I'm wondering, what boyfriend doesn't contact his girlfriend for a week. "Oh, I was sick, just went to the doctor today." He said. "The doctor also said I couldn't leave the house." He said. "So, just because you can't leave house doesn't mean you can't text or call me?" I said. "My parents, said I need to take a break from using technology." He said. 

I was just looking at him. I missed him so much. A WEEK. 1 week I didn't see him. He was still talking and I cut him off. I kissed him. He kissed back of course. He just said he was sick, but I don't care. The kissed turned into a heated makeout, and I ended up inside of his house. We were still kissing, and he pushed me up against his front door. "Are your parents home?" I said taking off his shirt. "Nope, vacation." He said. He took my shirt off and picked me up and putting me on his bed."Are you ready he said. I nodded my head. We continue to kiss,and-----------

*Sorry couldn't finish the scene ^too explicit^

I was laying in his bed. I was out of breath. "That was umm, fun but I gotta get back to work." I said. I can't believe, I just had sex. For the first time. If my mom finds out she is going to kill me! "Okay, well see you later." He said. Kissing me again before I left. 

Dez's POV:

I ringed Trent's doorbell. I was going to give him a piece of my mind for cheating on Trish. I care about her a lot, and he was acting like a real ass. Trent opened the door. "Oh, hey Dez!" He said. "Save it Trent, I saw you kissing Kira at the food court." I said. "Oh, you saw that. She is super sexy right." He said. I shook my head. "That's not the point." I said. "When Trish, finds out she will be upset and devastated that your cheating on her." I said. "She won't as long as we won't tell her." He said. He then slammed the door in my face. I laughed. I knocked on his door. "Wha-" Trent said, but couldn't finish his sentence. I punched him in the face. "Well,  you deserved that you douche." I said, and walked away.

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