Chapter 14

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*Trish goes to Trent's House* 

*Trish rings the doorbell*

*Trent answers*

Trent: Hey Trish what are you doing here?

Trish: I"m here to talk!

Trent: Okay, come in.

Trish: Look, I know that we haven't been on good terms lately, but I'm pregnant.

*Trent is speechless*

Trent: And...I"m..I'm the father?

Trish: Yea, you are the father. I'm not exactly showing that much yet, but I have been pregnant for at least 1 month now. 

Trent: Why didn't you tell me, when you first found out?

Trish: Because you were too busy fucking kira, and cheating on me.

Trent: Trish...I'm hella sorry that I have not been supportive. I really do deep down care about you.

Trish: My mom kicked me out because I wanted to keep the baby.

Trent: Where do you live? If you need a place to stay, you can live here.

Tish: I live with Ally, and her parents. 

Trent: I can come to one of those birthing classes or whatever. If you need anything.

Trish: You acturally wanna keep the baby?

Trent: I think so yea. I mean its your choice. We can get back together and we can you know start fresh. 

Trish: Trent...I can forgive you...but I don't think I can trust you again! After what you did. 

Trent: Please Trish, me, you and our child can have a happy life and we can be a happy family.

Trish: Fine, Trent but I need you too be 100% with me. 

Trent: I will I promise.

Trish: Are you the father of KIra's Baby?

Author Note: Do you think Trent will tell the truth to trish or lie. Anways Keep Reading this long Chapter. *Song of this part of the Chapter* *My Selfish Heart- Meghan Trainor

Kira's POV:

*Kira knocks on Austin's Door:

*Austin Opens*

Austin: Hi, Kira. 

Kira: Hey what are you doing today?

Austin: I was going to go over ally's house!*


Kira: Look, I can't handle stress! Do you want to come with me to find out the gender?

Austin: I don't think I'm feeling to well! I'm gonna take a raincheck. 

Kira: *Are you kidding me* *Do you want to be apart of this baby's life or not?

Austin: Honestly no! "You haven't been anything except a bitch for this past month. Cheating on me with Trent! "Acting like a slut in front of Ally and Trish." I'm sick and tired of you Kira. "Get the hell out of my life!

*Austin slams the door in Kira's Face*

Narrator's Quick POV:

Kira's Eyes were filled with tears, and nose was running. 

Kira's POV continued:

I turned around and walked to the hospital.

*They doctor called my name.*

Doctor: Kira Star, your next/

*Kira walks into the doctor's office.*

*Doctor puts gel on kira's stomach.*

Doctor: "Looks like its a girl".

Doctor" Congrats. "I will print out the pictures." 

Kira: Thank you. 

*I sat there in the hospital room alone. Looking at my stomach. Tears filled my eyes. I wiped them. The doctor came back.*

Doctor: Your free to go.

Kira: Bye :)

*Kira is in her room*

Kira gets up in the middle of the night.

*1 Hour later*

*Everybody is rushing inside the Hospital* (Trent, Austin, Trish, Dez, and Ally)

Trent: What's going on?

Carol (Kira's Mom): *Kira passed out last night after screaming*

Austin: Is she going to be okay?
Carol: I'm praying that she is okay.

Dez: It's Okay Ms.Star! I'm sure she will be fine.

*Doctor comes outside.*

Ms. Star: Is she okay. I"m her mother, her father is on a bussiness trip.

Doctor: I"m sorry but unfortunaltly Kira has had a miscarraige.

Doctor: Kira is requesting for everyone to come inside of the room.

*Everyone goes inside of the room*

*Kira is on the bed*

Ms.Star: HUNNY! "Are you okay."

Kira: I'm fine mom! 
*They hug*

Kira: Where is dad?

Ms.Star: He is on a bussiness trip. He said he can't make it here.

Kira; Oh okay, well can you go get me something to drink and excuse us for a bit.

Ms.Star: Sure sweetie.

*Kira's Mom Leaves*

*Kira looks at everyone*

Kira: So everybody is quiet, nothing to say*

Kira: Well, first I want to thank you all for coming, I apperciate the support. I know I haven't been the most loyal person, but II'm not perfect.

Dez: Nobody's Perfect Kira.

*Kira smirks*

Kira: Well I'm truly sorry Ally and Trish! I know.... I was a slut, a bitch all the words in the dictionary to you guys and to myself. I didn't mean to hurt your relationships with Trent and Austin. 

Kira; Trent and Austin I acturally have no words. It was a mistakes to have sex with both of you, to be with both of you. The fact that you guys were supposed to be there for me when I was pregnant and didn't really show me the kind of people you guys are. 

Kira: Trent, your disgusting. I can't belive you. "You didn't want to take responsiblity for your actions so you made me say the father of my baby was Austin's when it was your's. It turns out you were i guess just using me. I feel worthless. Now that I lost MY baby girl. Its time to start fresh. Austin. "I felt, what I did to you was wrong. I'm sorry and I feel you really hurt my feelings when you told me off and slammed the door in my face. 

*Kira's eyes were red and puffy and tears kept coming out her eyes*

Kira: Trish your lucky. The fact that trent would want to take care of your baby and not mines is special. Ally, Your an awesome girl and you deserve to be with Austin. Dez, your the most caring person i ever met. Austin, see you around the studio. As for all of you. Good luck with your lives, hope we can still be friends. 

*Kira wipes her eyes*

Kira: Well...I'm going to call my dad, and check on my mom with my juice. Oh and Austin can you delete my nude photo's. 

Austin: Already did. 

Kira: Thanks! :) 

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