Chapter 28

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Hey Guys!!! So turns out that my story has made it to 3k. I'm so happy and I'm glad that you guys are enjoying this story. The sequel is right around the corner, more drama and you guys are going to love it. 2 MORE CHAPTERS! PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE ON THE REMAINING CHAPTERS. I love you guys comments it inspires me to make chapters more faster. :)

*Maia's Date*

*Austin picks up Maia*

Austin: Wow, you look amazing.

Maia: Thanks and so do you.

*Austin kisses Maia on the cheek and opens the door for her*

Maia: So where are we going?

Austin: Its a surprise!

Maia: Okay!

*Austin puts a blindfold on Maia*

*30 minutes later*

Maia: Are we there yet?

Austin: Nope?

Maia: Austin Moon, WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME? Its driving me insane.

Austin: I'm taking you somewhere, you will never expect, and trust me your sane.

*Maia giggles*

Austin: Your cute when you giggle.

Maia: Now your just making me blush.

*Austin smiles*

*The car stops*

Maia: Are we there yet?

*Austin gets out the car and gets maia*

*Austin takes off the blindfold*

Austin: You tell me?

*Maia gasps*

Maia: Wow, this is amazing!

Austin: I know.

Maia: What is this place?

Austin: Its just somewhere where I come and think.

Maia: Like when there is something on your mind.

Austin: Yea.

*Austin and Maia sit on the edge of the great view*

Maia: Ya know, I don't really want everyone to know and all but my mom. She died a while back, in a car crash about 2 months ago. Me and my dad have been trying to keep strong, but its hard ya know. The pain that I experienced. We moved here to get a fresh start and its just ...

*Maia starts crying*

*Austin hugs her*

Maia: Its just really hard. I miss her so much. Everything was complicated until

Austin: Until you got signed?

Maia: Until I met you. When I looked at you it was love at first sight.

*Maia looks down, and sniffs*

Maia: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I don't know what came over me

*Austin kisses her*

Maia: So I guess this is the beginning of us.

Austin: Why wouldn't it be?

Maia: I just thought you didn't like me.

Austin: Why not?

Maia: Well Ally kinda gave me signals that you guys were..

Austin: Maia, I like you and only you. Besides ally has a boyfriend Elliot.

*Maia smiles*

Austin: I can't wait to go on tour with you!

Maia: I know, I'm so excited. It's going to be my first tour.

Austin: Mines too, were going to have so much fun together.

Maia: If you think about it were traveling the world together, but also following are dreams.

Austin: You know I have never actually heard you sing before.

Maia: Well today is your lucky day.

*Austin smiles*

Maia: Where is your guitar?

Austin: It's in the car.

*Maia goes to the car*

*Maia sings and plays the guitar*

Austin: Your amazing.

Maia: Why thank you.

Austin: We should do a song together.

Maia: A duet would be perfect for the opening of the tour.

Austin: When should we work on it?

Maia: Obviously as soon as possible since the tour starts Monday!

Austin: Well how about Sunday, because tomorrow is the wedding for Ally's parents.

Maia: Oh yea I totally forgot. How about we go together, and then after me and you can work on the song.

Austin: Sounds great!

*Austin kisses Maia*

*Austin goes to 3rd base*

Maia: Austin..

Austin: Umm I'm sorry it's just that you know.

Maia: I want my first time to be special, with someone who truly cares about me!

Austin: I truly care about you, Maia. I want you to know that. I'll wait.

Maia: On second thought!

*Maia makes-out with Austin*

Austin: I thought you wanted to wait.

Maia: Stop talking!

*Maia rips Austin's shirt*

*Maia and Austin have sex*

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