Chapter 23

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*Next Day*

*Austin goes to the studio*

Jimmy: Hey Austin, how is your album coming along?

Austin: Great actually I finished 4 songs and Ally is going to work with me on the rest later in a few days.

Jimmy: I'm liking the good news. You might actually have a shot on going on your own tour this summer.

Austin: So it's not too late, its already half into the summer.

Jimmy: I will have to schedule some business with your parents but yea its still possible.

*Austin is excited*

Austin: Thanks so much Jimmy, you will not be dissapointed with songs!

Jimmy: Lets hope not!

Austin: So who is this new Artist that you just signed.

Jimmy: Oh, she is amazing. She has an incredible voice and I'm sure you two will hit it off!

*Jimmy leaves*

Austin: Great, who is she!

*This beautiful girl walks into the room*

Girl: Jimmy, there are no other waters in the rec room!

*Austin is stunned*

Girl: Oh, Hi you must be Austin! I'm Maia, Maia Mitchell!

Austin: Its nice to meet you.

*They shake hands*

Maia: I have heard so much about you, Jimmy has told me that you are super talented and amazing at singing.

Austin: Well, your the famous new artist that everyone has been exaggerating about.

Maia: Well now, you finally met her. Do you like what you see?

*Austin just nods*

Maia; Are you okay, do you need some water?

Austin: I'm fine.

*Maia just laughs*

Maia: Alrighty then, it was nice to meet you. I guess I will see you around the studio then?

Austin: you wanna grab a bite to eat at the mall?

Maia: Are you asking me out?

Austin: Well...if you want me to then yea.

Maia: Austin, chill I'm glad that you did. I'm starving anyways!

*Same Day*

*Kira calls Trent*

Kira: Can you meet me at the park?

Trent: Sure!

*Trent meets kira at the park!*

Trent: So whatsup?

Kira: I just wanted to talk to you about, what happened at the studio!

Trent: What about it?

Kira: said you loved me. You looked me right in my eyes and told me that you love me.

*Trent just stayed speechless*

Kira: Thats a problem.

Trent: Why is that a problem?

Kira: Its a problem, because you have a baby on the way and a girlfriend that you are currently on good terms with!

Trent: I know, its just that....the way you make me feel..its unexplainable. I can't contain my feelings for you.

*It starts raining*

Kira: Trent!

Trent: Kira..After everything that we went through with our baby dying and me being a coward..I was stupid enough to realize that the girl that is the one for me was by the my side the whole time. So its not a problem.

Kira: Acturally...I think your right, its not a problem anymore!

Trent: Why did you change your mind?

Kira: Because, I love you back.

*They Kiss*

*They dance in the rain*

*Trent walks kira home*

Kira: So how is the demo coming along?

Trent: Great, I'm acturally done.

Kira: Great, we can meet up in the studio tomorrow

Trent: cool, look can you throw Trish a baby shower!

Kira; Me?

Trent: yea, your the party type!

*Kira laughs*

Kira: I will do it on one condition!

*Trent pokes out his lip and does the sad face*

Trent: Anything?

Kira: You have to tell Trish about us!

Trent: I will. Plus, I don't think I'm ready to be a father yet anways.

Kira: Trent, I'm not letting you be a dead-beat dad!

Trent: I'm not, I'm just going to suggest adoption.

Kira: Well, good luck! I love you.

Trent: I love you too.

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