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(Nobody's POV)

The next few days seemed to fall into this endless routine for Tommy, wake up, try to talk to Tubbo, but fail when all Tubbo would do was give a shrug, or side glance, he was still pretty mad. He exchanged few words with Phil on his way to school, which wasn't so bad after all. He had meet with some kids that he liked somewhat, Ranboo, Puffy, and Connor were their names. He liked spending time with them, it was a nice distraction from what was happening with Tubbo. Then he went home, did schoolwork, played some minecraft, try to eat as much dinner as he could before he thought he was gonna throw it all up, which happened on multiple occasions. Then sometimes they had family movie nights where they would all gather in the living room, and vote upon a movie they would watch. Most nights Tommy left before the movie ended, he wasn't much of a movie type of guy. Finally he would fall asleep to the soundtrack on "Animal Crossings" playing in his headphones. But every night the thought itched at the back of his head,

What was Phil talking to Dream about?

He had tried to build up the courage multiple times to ask Phil, every time seeming to bail out, and return to whatever he was doing. He had given himself to the end of the week to ask, after that it would be to long for it not to be awkward to ask about.

He paced back and forth in his bedroom trying to form the sentences in his head. In the end all he came up with "Hey Phil, can I ask you something?", yeah that was it. But now it was Friday afternoon, Tommy and Tubbo had just arrived home from school, and Tubbo headed off to his room while Tommy stayed back in the kitchen eying Phil's lounge down the hall.

He slowly dropped the backpack off him shoulders and headed down the hall. His heartbeat picked up and sweat starting to form in his palms when he reached Phil's door. Tommy slowly moved his fist up to the door and let out two light knocks.

"Come in." said a muffled Phil behind the door.

Taking a deep breathe Tommy opened the door to be greeted by Phil sitting at his desk looking at some papers.

"Oh, hey Tommy! How was school?" Phil asked, a grin growing across his face.

"It was fine, I actual wanted to ask you something."

Tommy must have seemed nervous because Phil scrunched his eyebrows together and said "Of course, what is it, something wrong?"

"Oh no, nothing like that, it's just, do you remember last weekend when Dream, and George came over ." Phil nodded "Well I couldn't help but notice that you and Dream were on about something in the back, and well I guess my question is, what were y'all talking about?" Tommy said, he could feel the dryness in his throat.

"Ah, yes, i guess I forgot to tell you, well um Dream just needed my thoughts on a new apartment he might get downtown."

"You sure, because he kept looking at me like every five seconds." Tommy said presentient to find out what was going on.

Phil sighed "Okay well there is something I have been keeping from you and Tubbo."

Tommy surprised said "Go on."

"It's just that I guess you could say we weren't complete strangers when I adopted y'all." Tommy was taken back by this, his confused look lead Phil to continue. "A while back a few of us were friends with your parents, they left kind of abruptly about 15 years ago, which is probably because you were born, and we never really saw them again. It was only about a few months ago when I found out they had kids, and I just knew we had to find y'all, so we searched, and eventually ended up here."

Tommy's jaw was on the ground by now, his stomach was filling with both rage, and sadness. "And you didn't think to mention this once." Tommy said, his voice a little shaky, but still angry.

"Tommy you have to understand, we didn't want y'all to think that we were just taking you because we knew your parents, but because we loved you."

Tommy wasn't really taking in any of Phil's words. "Oh Bullshit, bullshit, you probably just felt like you owed some kind of debt to parents so you took Tubbo and I."

"Tommy no it's not like th-" Phil was cut off.

"No it's exactly like that, you never really wanted Me or Tubbo, but you would feel guilty if you didn't, huh?"

Phil tried to get in a few words, but Tommy was already down the hall and headed to his room.


(Tommy POV, boys room)

I proceded to slam the door behind me which made Tubbo jump in his desk chair, and give me a confused glare.

"What's up with you?" he asked, kind of sarcastic.

I opened my mouth to spill everything Phil had just told me, knowing our parents, not wanting us, paying of his unwanted debt to my parents, but no words came out. I thought for a moment about what this would do to Tubbo, he loved it here, he loved Phil, and Techno, and Wil. He finally felt at home, I couldn't ruin that for him.

"Oh, um nothing" I played it off. He rolled his eyes, and gave me a shrug before continuing with his game.

I headed to the bathroom so I could be alone,turned on the shower, but didn't get in, instead I just sat in the corner trying to think, to process what was going on, maybe I was overacting,maybe they really did want us, but then again I've been fucked over by so many people, you can never trust anyone anymore.

I sat there for about 30 minutes before the steam started to fill my lungs, and it was getting hard to breathe. I headed back to my bedroom to be greeted by a peaceful Tubbo sleeping, I went over and rubbed my fingers through his hair, sitting down on the bed.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, I really was.

Soon enough I was laying next to Tubbo as he laid on my chest, then I drifted off into sleep.


1063 word pog. I am really sorry that I haven't been updating so often, I have been super busy with school and other stuff, and trying to figure out the plot. This was kind of a boring chapter, but I hope y'all like it. Also I can't thank you enough for the support. We hit 4.5k reads, and that is unbelievable to me, I am so grateful for y'all, thank you for reading :))))

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