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Tommy POV

The car ride back was rather uneventful, we stopped for food, but I was too anxious to eat anything. The car was silent so I was left to alone to my thoughts.

My only goal when going into foster care was getting Tubbo safe, making sure no one could hurt him, making sure he was happy and that he would have a amazing life. I put aside everything, pushed away everyone, even those who tried to help, who tried to love me, just because I needed to get Tubbo safe. Part of me wants to still push them away, to leave, to let Tubbo live out his life, and I can watch from distance, but the smart part of me is telling me to stay, to fix this, to try and accept help.

I am done fighting.

Tubbo POV

My eyes flutter open and are met with a ray of sunlight which makes me squint and roll over. I expect to roll onto my brothers chest, but to my surprise I roll right onto the comforter. I quickly sit up and look around. Hm, no Tommy in the room, he's probably just in the kitchen or something. R

ecently it's been hard to be mad at Tommy, he's my person, my brother, and somehow I'm suppose to be mean to him, ignore him, ever time I do I feel like shit, but I'm still angry about him leaving. I lay in bed for a few moments filing through my thoughts until I hear a yell from downstairs.


Slowly I get out of bed and throw on some comfy clothes to head downstairs. Before leaving the room I check the mirror and fix my bed head. Then I jog downstairs trying not to keep everybody waiting. Once I turn the corner to my surprise it's just Phil and Wilbur sitting at the table.

I give a confused look which makes Phil say "Techno took Tommy somewhere this morning, but don't worry they'll be back soon."

I only give a slight nod to this, not wanting to seemed worried. I walk over to the counter and poor myself a bowl of cereal, and some milk, then walk over and take a seat next to Wilbur, and across from Phil.

"How'd you sleep?" Phil asked.

I give a simple "fine.", he seems on edge, or nervous like he knows something I don't but i brush it off and finish my breakfast.

The table is quiet except for some small talk to fill the silence. After i shove the last spoonful of cereal in my mouth and gulp down some orange juice, I start towards the sink to discard of my dishes.

"Hey Tubbo, I'm sure Wilbur would be glad to take your bowl, you want to meet me in my office I want to speak with you." at this my stomach dropped, but still I set down my bowl and followed Phil down the hallway.

Phil POV

Techno told me about taking Tommy to the spot, I took him their a few years ago myself. I know it's special to him, so taking Tommy their must mean alot. I've been contemplating this last week, whether or not to tell Tubbo that is, about his parents. He seems so happy, and just getting comfortable here and I don't want to ruin it for him, I thought about waiting for Tommy to tell him, but then again I didn't know if he ever would, so I'm taking it into my hands.

Walking into my office I tell him to take a seat across from my desk, at which a lean onto and cross my arms letting our a sigh.

"Sooo, what did you need Phil?" Tubbo asks with a smile brightening his face, but I can tell he's nervous, maybe even scared.

This makes me say "Don't worry your not in trouble, I have just been meaning to tell you something for a while now." He gives a relieving nod and I open my mouth to start my speech, but suddenly I'm lost for words, and thoughts are flying through my head. Will he act out like Tommy? Maybe he'll run away? What if he Hates me? I am pulled back into reality and say "Well it's about your parents." I try to ease into the conversation, taking a different route than last time with Tommy.

"What about them?" Tubbo says seeming confused.

"You see a while back, maybe about 15 years we-I knew your parents, we were good friends actually until one day when all of the sudden they took off." I look over to Tubbo who looks at a loss for words so I continue

"I assume they took of because they wanted to take care of you and Tommy, but then the accident happened and well you and Tommy ended up in foster care, until about a month ago when I found out about you and took you in." I looked over to Tubbo expecting him to yell or just walk out, but he just sat their, no words coming out of his mouth, just silence.

"Tubbo?" I asked trying to get his attention. He looked up at me and I could see the tears starting to flood his eyes, right about to spill over the edge. Suddenly he got up and headed for the door.

"I-um-I need to go do s-something" He said shakily.

"Tubbo wait." I said walking speedily after him, luckily beating him to the door and standing into front almost as a blockade.

"J-just let me go P-phil, I have t-to go d-do someth-hing" he stuttered.

"Tubbo can we just talk, please" I tried, still blocking him from the door.

"J-just let me th-through." Tubbo said and I could tell he was on the verge of tears.

"Tubbo please, just listen." I calmly said.

"No P-phil, I won't listen, I'm done f-fucking listening, your lying, your a liar, a lair, liar, lair....." By now he was breaking into sobs, so I pulled him into a hug, not letting go no matter how much he squirmed or what he was calling me. "lair, lair, liar, lair" he muttered into my chest.

"shhh, Tubbo, shh, it's okay." I said trying to calm him. After a minute or two he calmed down, and their was only a few sniffles and hiccups here and there. We stood their rocking for a few minutes, with Tubbo in my arms, me whispering words into his ears letting him know he was safe.

"W-were they n-n-nice." Tubbo finally got out in between sobs. I let out a small huff and said.

"They were fucking amazing Tubbo, and you and Tommy remind me of them every day, and I just need you to know that I didn't take you in because of them, but I really love you and Tommy, very much." releasing him from my arms I look down to see Tubbo giving a slight smile to which I reciprocate and wipe his cheek of the tears even though more flood down them.

"T-thank you P-phil, for ev-everything." Tubbo gets out. I pull him back into a hug and say.

"You deserve it." I hear the door squeak and turn to see Wil standing their.

"Just gonna leave me out of a family hug, huh?" He says sarcastically.

Tubbo and I both let out a chuckle and I motion for him to join in, which he does. We stand for a minute or so before I let them go, and watch them both go back into the living room. That could have been worse I think to myself.


Wow not me actually updating this for once, sorry my motivation just went down the trash, and I've been dealing with some things and I didn't want to give y'all a shitty chapter , but I finally got the motivation to write, so have this, I was just going to finish the story here, but I think I will save the last part for one more chapter :)).

Also 1250 word Pog, you guys are fucking crazy, and gave me 16k reads which is insane I love y'all so much, drop a vote if you like. Also any notice the resemblance to stranger things scene with Mike and Hopper ;;)). Also I was re-reading and realized how much I said y'all, LMAO, I'm from Texas so it is justified.

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