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Tommy POV

Techno and Tommy are sitting in the car parked in the driveway, They've been their for well over five minutes, but neither makes a move to get out. Internally Tommy is freaking the fuck out, trying to cover it up by taking a few deep breathes, but it's pretty clear to Techno that by his shaking hands he's nervous as hell.

Their isn't really anything to be nervous about Tommy thinks, Tubbo is his brother and will always forgive him, right?

After another good few minutes Tommy finally makes a move to get out of the car which Techno reciprocates and follows him to the front door. Pushing it open, thankfully Tommy is meet with an empty kitchen and living room, he really just wants to speak to Tubbo alone.

He gives Techno a nod and heads upstairs assuming Tubbo is in the boys room. Upon opening the door he finds Tubbo sitting at his desk playing some kind of game on his computer. Tommy tries to enter the room silently, but not even a foot in the door creaks and Tubbo whips his head around to make eye contact with Tommy.

"Hey" is all Tommy can make out with how nervous he is.

"Hi" Tubbo says back giving a half wave.

Tommy makes his way over to his bed and sits on the end, nervously playing with the end of his shirt. "So... I wanted talk about.. well everything I guess."

Tubbo keeps eye contact with the floor and gives a "yeah" that is barely above a whisper.

"Tubbo listen I'm really sor-" Tommy can't even get out his sentence before something is barreling into him. He soon realizes the big floof of brown hair is Tubbo who has tackled him in a hug. Tommy lets out of soft chuckle and wraps his arm around Tubbo reciprocating the hug.

"No I'm sorry Tommy, I was so mean to you just because I was mad and-" Tubbo tries to get out but is quickly shushed by Tommy

"No, no, Tubbo you had ever right to be mad at me, I ran, I left you, all because I was scared, I was scared to have a family, to fuck it up for you, and I'm really sorry, but I wanted to let you know that I'm ready, to be apart of the family that is."

By now Tubbo has loosened his grips and leaned back to look up at Tommy "R-Really? No more fighting?" Tubbo asks.

"No more fighting." Tommy confirms.

A grin spreads across Tubbos face as he wraps Tommy up in a hug once again. "Were gonna actual have a family Toms." Tubbo says, and Tommy can hear his smile in his voice.

"Yeah we are." The two stand their just like that for however long it takes to let the fact settle in.

Their gonna have a family.


Tommy goes into Phil's office not long after. He apologizes and thanks Phil for everything he's given them. Phil is quick to cut him off and pull him into a hug telling him that he doesn't need to thank him for being his family. Tommy finds himself leaning into Phil's touch, that gives him a sense of comfort and protection.

And if Phil's shirt starts to get stained by tears, no one has to know except for them.


(Fast forward three months)

The next few months fly by, the families relationship only grows, but of course their are a few bumps in the road along the way, I mean nobodies perfect. But finally after what fells like forever Phil presents the boys with two papers while they are seated at the dinner table. They both take it with a glance of confusion which quickly turns into shock and overwhelming happiness.

Adoption papers.

While they all know that they don't need it to be in paper to know that Tommy and Tubbo are family, it still is a huge event for the whole family. And not even a week later they are standing outside a courthouse officially as Tubbo and Tommy Waston.


Holy shit. Their is a few things i want to say first off I'm so fucking sorry, I basically ghosted Wattpad for about two months, and I could tell you that I was busy as fuck and didn't have time, but really I just couldn't find the energy to write this and I didn't want it to fell like a chore to have to write, it should really be something I enjoy doing.

two, this is the end. Holy shit. I cannot believe it. late last year I decided to write my first ever fic ever and i got just overwhelming support on here, I can not tell you how thankful I am that y'all enjoyed this story, while it's a bit ruff around the edges, it is my first writing and I only hope to improve over time. I play on writing more stuff both on here and on my A03 account addiesims. Also I might go in and reformat this so it's not just big paragraphs of words lmao

Thank you so much for reading this and I hope you enjoyed - addie

EDIT: OMG NOOOO, i just went back and reformatted and all, and was reminded of just how badly written this is, it's weird to look back and see what I used to think was good writing, I think I ave improved a bunch and hope to write much better works than this.

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