GildEmma Chapter

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*In the morning Gilda is getting ready to go to work*


Gilda:Hi Emma,need something

Emma:I need cuddles

Gilda:Pfft baby I gtg to work I can't cuddle you rn

Emma:Cuddlessssss plsssss


*Emma then makes that face that she knows Gilda can't resist*

Gilda:Fine 10 minutes but if I'm late it's your fault 

*after 10 minutes of cuddling*

Gilda:All right now I gtg to work

Emma:Hehe love you now kiss me

Gilda:Didn't I just cuddle you

Emma:And I want a kiss before you go


*They both give each other a small kiss*

Gilda:Love you also can you talk to Jackson today about our wedding cause he said him and Don are in charge of the venue

Emma:Sure babe I'll ask if we can meet up and talk about it 


Emma:Np love you

Gilda:Love you too 

*after Gilda went to work Emma texted Jackson and asked if they could meet up and talk about the venue situation*


Emma:Hey Jacks so I was wondering if we could meet up at the mall today to talk about the venue are you free today and if you are at what time?

Jackson:Hey Emma so I'm free around 2:00 pm today because I gtg to help Norman with something and also I got stuck between Ray and His mom so I got to stop those to from ruining each other so yea I'm free around 2 and also I got the venue basically set up so I can show you and Gilda after she gets home from work cuz thanks to her and Don working together I know when she works so yea I'll ask Don if you, me and her can meet up how does that sound?

Emma:Sounds great I can't wait to see it but what's going on between Ray and his mom Because idk what's going on? between those two?

Jackson:Well it's kind of complicated they got into some kinda fight before Norman and Ray's wedding and well since then they began to only speak to each other sometimes and for the last 2 months they hadn't spoken since and then Ray had his little accident they talked for the first time in 2 months

Emma:Oh that's horrible! poor them

Jackson:I know

Emma:Do you know what they were fighting about?

Jackson:No I don't but Norman does however I think Ray told him not to tell anyone about it since it's personal problems and if Ray wants to keep that to himself and Norman then I respect that

Emma:Ok thanks,that makes a little more sense

Jackson:Yea but if I were you I would keep my mouth shut about it in front of Ray so he doesn't get pissed off

Emma;Yea your right I will and thanks for the info on those two and I'll see you at 2 then

Jackson:See ya at 2,now I have to go fix what ever is going on with Ray and his mom

Emma:Lol good luck Ray is a kind of a distant person so it might be hard to get him to open up

Jackson:Lol thanks Emma also I'm a Psychologist so I got this

Emma:Ok see ya at 2 then

Jackson:Bye Emma see ya at 2

(Hey Guys Phantom here so I decided to do a bit of a GildEmma Chapter and talk more about there wedding so yea and also I want to Thank My Editor Kato-San he's good friend of mine and so I asked him if he wanted to start helping me with my books so yea and the reason That I hadn't Thanked him in my last two books if you read them is because we started working Together this year in 2021 so yea now He helps me edit my stories and now I write and publish the stories while he edits them also I have permission to only use his last name which is Kato so not much personal Info is told so yea he will  be editing them for me and that's nice of him anyways like always guys I hope you all have a good day or night Byeeee)

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