What Happened

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*Ray and His mom arguing again in Jackson's Office*

Jackson:Ok so Ray, Ms. Isabella I understand you two are upset but as your Psychologist I am here to help you, listen even though I usually I help people with mental problems I want to help you both because Ray you are my friend and I want you and your mom to have a good relationship so please tell me what happened to make you guys start fighting

Isabella:Well It's just I think that Ray should...Have someone better and I think Norman is all right but I think ray sh-

Ray:Oh with shit again really!

Isabella:You know I'm-

*they start to fight and then Isabella slaps Ray*

Isabella:If you don't Divorce Norman then I will do it for you!

*Isabella storms out of the office and Ray starts crying and Jackson hugs him*

Ray:B-but I love him*Clings onto Jackson*

Jackson:Ik you do and everything will be ok I promise*Hugs him*

*after ray got home from the little session they had he is silent the whole night*

*Norman as him and Ray are laying together in bed*

Norman:Darling what's wrong you've been quiet all evening 

Ray:I don't want to talk about it let's just go to bed ok

*Ray turns off the lights*

Norman:I see then good night

*At Don and Jackson's place Don and Jackson snuggling on the couch watching a movie*


Don:Heh let me guess rough day at the office again

Jackson:No it's not that I just made a promise to Ray and Idk if I can even keep it

Don:Welp what did you promise him?

Jackson:Well him and his mom started arguing in my office again not really a shocker at this point but there's just somethings going on and Ray is scared he might lose Norman and blah blah and I promised him everything is gonna be alright but idk if it is an-

Don:Baby I know how stressful things are between those two and your dealing with a lot you have your normal patients and then you have those two so how about tomorrow we both take a day of and just relax ok how does that sound we could go to the beach 

Jackson:That would be great just try not get bitten by a crab again*He starts laughing*

Don:It was one time and I didn't know those little shit's hid in the sand that good 

Jackson:Haha and then you started crying a bit because it hurt so bad

Don:You were teasing me saying"awww does my little Don need a kissy to make his boo boo go away" and it was embarrassing because you and Emma started laughing at me I guess you don't love me as much as you say you do

Jackson:Oh shut the fuck up I love you so much you cute shit


(Hello Everyone Phantom here I just wanted to say sorry for not uploading for a while winter break is over for me and also I was taking a small break from writing and also I've been kind of stressed so I decided to take a break again I'm sorry and I will try and upload more however with school I have to maintain a schedule anyway like always have a good day or night.)

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