The Wedding

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*While Gilda is touching up before she is walked down the aisle*

Ray: Nervous?

Gilda: I guess,I mean I'm excited but I think I'm just getting cold feet I guess

Ray: Haha I know that feeling

Gilda: Hey Ray how did you feel on your wedding day? Maybe if I hear how you felt then I might feel better

Ray: Well I felt just like you I had cold feet and I felt that I had to do everything right on that day or Norman would probably leave me but as I was walking done the aisle I looked at Norman and the look on his face reassured me that he loves me as I much as I love him and also it's like he was telling me that I will always be there for you know matter what happens and I could tell he's just as nervous as I am and I bet that's how Emma is feeling right now as well she is probably as nervous you are about this but I know in my heart that you two will have a wonderful marriage I just know it

Gilda: W-wow thanks Ray I feel a lot better now Thank you*Hugs him*

*Ray hugs Gilda back*: Np were friends after all and that's what friends do

*The wedding music begins*

Ray: You ready?

Gilda: Yea also Ray you said you're mom was gonna walk me down the aisle right?

*Just as about Ray was gonna answer her question Isabella walks in*

Isabella: Hey Gilda It's time please come with me you're future wife is waiting for you

Gilda: Coming

Ray: Good Luck Gilda

Gilda: Thanks Ray

*As Isabella is walking Gilda down the aisle*

Isabella: I know you will make a amazing wife Gilda and I wish the best of luck to you both

Gilda: Thank you miss Isabella 

Isabella: Of course now let us begin

*After the aisle walking the priest starts talking for a while and then says*

The priest: You now may say your vows

Emma: You know Gilda I could not be happier I'm so glad I found someone like you and I love you and I promise I will stay with you until the day I take my last breath and I swear on my life I will protect you and you may say is what I have said true and it is because when I realized that you have always been more then a friend to me I have wanted nothing more then to be your wife and now here I am and I just can't believe it and I love you so much Gilda

Gilda: Emma just like you I could not be happier and I still feel like the luckiest girl ever because I remember the day when I confessed my love to you and excepted it and I promise no matter what happens between us I will forever take care of you and I promise no matter what I have to do I will protect and I love you so much Emma

The Priest: I wish the both of you eternal happiness and You now may kiss the bride

*Emma kisses Gilda*

*Noman clapping and looks over at Ray*

Norman: Honey  are you ok? 

*Ray trying to hold back his tears of happiness*: Y-yep 

Norman: You sure you look like your crying

Ray: N-no my eyes are just sweaty that's all*wipes tears on his sleeve*

Norman: Haha it's ok to cry at weddings you know

Ray: I know*sniffling*

(Hello Everyone Phantom here so I just wanted to say that I will be doing a bonus chapter and you will have to read to find out what is in the bonus chapter also I can confirm while writing this chapter I started to tear up because weddings make me cry so yea anyway I have had fun writing this and I thank all the people who have read this story it has shown me a lot of support in a way and I love it anyways like always I hope you all have a good day or night byeeeee)

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