A new friend with Resurfacing Memories?

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Author Note: Ok before anyone gets confused there's a bit of spoiler about a Fighterz Arc. If you're not up to the arc yet I apologize. However as I'm guessing some of you played the story mode or simply watched someone do a playthrough of the game. You're good.

As the angeloids along with Lincoln and their unconscious friend drove around Tremorton. The sights were decent some form of mall, a few amusement parks, a military facility and some form of restaurant/hangout. As Lincoln eyed an empty area away from the town. "There we'll have a home at least until the portal comes up."

The hovervan head towards the forest away from civilization with the plans of a house already being made. He was able to visualize the house with one of Ikaros's cards as the vehicle came to a stop. Lincoln, Astrea who was carrying Ellison coming out of the left side of the backseat of the van, Ikaros with the unconscious friend on her shoulder coming out of the right side of the backseat and Nymph stepping out of the diver seat.

He held a pink card that Ikaros had supplied him before shouting "Transport." He flung the card a good eight feet away from them before pink cubes begin to form a decent size log cabin before walking to the door and pushing it open. As he lead them inside with a couch, five beds in the right corner of the area, around two tables one in front of the couch as the other in the center of the left side of the cabin. "Astrea and Ikaros put Epilson and the clone on the couch."

As Astrea and Ikaros followed orders of their master on the couch both laying down.

He closed the door as Nymph entered the cabin. "I'm getting tired of calling Epilson by that name."

Nymph spoke looking at him "You're getting tired of calling her by her codename? So you're going to give her an actual name?"

"Huh?" He looked at Nymph. "Her codename?" He looked and sounded visibly confused.

"A codename was given to her as well as the three of us. Alpha, Beta and Delta" Ikaros spoke pointing to herself, Nymph and Astrea.

'Huh I never knew that before about their codenames.' He thought to himself before looking at Epilson. "I'm thinking with all the Chaos she caused I'm naming her Chaos."

Epilson had moved to the left showing her asleep with a faint smile but as peaceful as this is it's not going to continue. As the Clone woke up looking at the Angeloids and Lincoln confused and scared.

(Spoilers for Arc 3 in Fighterz. I apologize.)

(Clone P.o.V.)

'Who am I? What am I? Will I change for the better?' As she thinks to herself before seeing a memory of some planet with mountains, rivers and a waterfall as it felt peaceful. She begins walking around until she heard something.

"You can't...ever stop me!" That voice sounded familiar almost like it's her own voice. She opened her eyes to see another her but with a light purple skin with sort black grey spots across from her blocking a massive ball of blue energy?

She looked besides herself seeing a young teenager male, a green skin being wearing a purple gu, a blonde man wearing a mix of yellow/white armor with a blue body suit under it, a short male with six dots on his forehead, a woman that looked identical to the male twin but she has blonde hair and above them is a spikey hair male man wearing an orange/blue gi sorta like the short man. As she heard from the male twin whose wearing a black shirt, an orange scarf, blue pants and shoes who spoke in disbelief. "I can't believe that wasn't enough?!"

The blonde man spoke "You have got to be kidding me!" She felt odd like this was a massive battle and they're not going to survive the other her. She realize what she must do as she immediately flew to the other her. She aimed her left hand at the other her. "You can't! We're going to disappear together!" As the ball of energy hits them both before their visions become white.

As she walked around the black void confused at what had happened before she felt herself being carried by someone as she sees a bright light.

She opened her eyes seeing that she's in a log cabin with a small girl wearing a nun outfit besides her as she screamed before falling off the couch she's on as she sees three beings with wings and a young boy. "Where am I? Who are you people?!? She spoke confused and scared.

"Easy now, we're not your enemies but we had freed you from your pod. Now do you happen to have a name?" Lincoln spoke keeping a distance from her.

She blinked. 'A name? I don't seem to remember my name. Maybe I just come up with one on the spot.' She spoke looking at them. "I think I have a name. My name is Jin." She looked at Lincoln and the winged girls

Lincoln introduce himself along with the angeloids to Jin with kindness. As he spoke "So we're going to have to get groceries so I'll be going along with Ikaros."

Nymph spoke "Delta, myself and Jin shall stay inside with the two of us keeping an eye on Chaos if she awakens."

He nodded as he immediately begins thinking on a list of food for everyone at least until the portal appears to take them to a random world or back to his world.

Author Notes: Here's the link to the photo: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/67983670 )

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