Meeting their mother and beat the heat.

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She spoke while looking at Lincoln with her long blue hair covering her face almost reminding him of Lucy. "I am the mother of Ikaros, Nymph and Astrea. My name is Daedalus."

Lincoln spoke, "While it's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Daedalus. I have a few questions to ask but first would you care for more tea?"

"Oh of course that would be delightful." Daedalus spoke with a kind smile. As Lincoln leaves the living room to grabbed the teapot as he slowly brings it to the living room as he pours it into Daedalus cup.

"Thank you very much." She spoke before taking a drink out of her cup.

He sits down in a chair across from Daedalus. "First off, why did Ikaros and I meet?"

"I had to send her to your world. I had her in a modified cage built to keep her power in check. You see she isn't a pet class angeloid. She is actually a battle class angeloid, but I had her think she's a pet class angeloid by have myself and Nymph lock those memories away." Daedalus spoke looking at him.

"So you telling me that you and Nymph locked Ikaros memories of being a weapon." Lincoln spoke sounding a bit angry.

"Yes, I did but it was done so she can never remember her time as a weapon." Daedalus had said looking at Lincoln. "I must thank you for taking care of my daughters and Epsilon."

"I know you have good intentions for Ikaros and you're welcome for allowing me to take care of them. I'm guessing you want them to return to you?" Lincoln looked across from Daedalus as he sees her putting her cup on the coffee table.

"No I wish for them to stay with you, however I request that Epsilon to come back with me so I can properly heal her." She had spoken.

"You mean Chaos then right?" Lincoln said while slowly standing up.

"I beg your pardon." Daedalus spoke confused.

"I know that your daughters have code names from Alpha, Beta and Delta but Epsilon doesn't have a name so I gave her one. I'll bring her to you right now." Lincoln had gotten up from his chair as he heads up the stairs towards his room. He opened the door towards his room seeing Jin on his and Ikaros bed as Nymph and Astrea were on their bed.

He picked up Chaos up as he spoke. "Ikaros, Nymph and Astrea your mother is here." As soon as he said that Nymph and Astrea run past him as they head downstairs to hug Daedalus.

"Astrea and Nymph, I'm glad to see you both." Daedalus spoke with a happy smile as she sees Lincoln coming down the stairs with a sleeping Epsilon in his hands. "It's time for me to go. Lincoln continued to protect my daughters and girls come visit me when you can."

Nymph and Astrea let's go of the hug. "Of course." They both smiled.

"Goodbye Daedalus." Lincoln spoke handing Epsilon over to Daedalus as a portal was made as she walked towards the portal before it closes.

Lincoln sees Jin and Ikaros coming down the stairs. He comes up with an idea. "You know what, why don't we head to the beach to relax?" Lincoln spoke looking at Ikaros, Nymph, Astrea and Jin.

The Angeloids Of Royal WoodsWhere stories live. Discover now