Chapter 33 // A light at the end

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((A/N: Hello!! Before you read on, there will in fact be some strong language (More than I have warned you all about before) so please be ready~ Thank you and please read on))

My mind went blank. My heart shattered into a billion pieces, but I could still feel it throbbing in the pit of my numb, tight chest. I could hardly breathe with these shuddering, sharp sobs that hurt my aching body with every painful cry I let out.

I just sat there, staring at the body of a boy I loved very dearly, dark blood pouring out of his abdomen. His skin soon became a little more pale as he looked around him, coughing and spluttering up blood.

My stomach nagged at me, telling me to throw up, but I refused.

"YOU BASTARD!!" I screamed at the chuckling figure, standing up with the dripping knife in his hand.

"Bella, don't!!" Lexie cried from across the room, struggling to move with her arms and ankles tied together.

Chanyeol just sat there, staring at a random spot on the wooden floor, eyes wide in shock.

"What did you say?" The guy's head snapped towards me, his body slowly following behind.

"You heard me!" I spat, some left over tears streaming from my eyes. "You're an asshole! I hope you rot in hell!!"

The guy just chuckled, slowly walking towards me.

"You wanna end up like that heap over there?" He jerked his head behind him at Luhan, who was struggling to breathe.

I looked over at Luhan, a lump forming at the back of my throat. I looked up at the menacing guy with narrow eyes. If I could, I would jump up and break the guys neck - but of course, gravity pulled my head back down to earth.

"I thought so." The guy turned on his heel, wiping the bloodied weapon on a small, white handkerchief he pulled out of his trouser pocket.

"FUCK YOU!!" I shouted at him, making him turn around again. "UNTIE ME NOW SO I CAN BEAT YOUR ASS!!"

"Not possible." The guy's light laugh turned into an evil chuckle as he came speeding towards me.

But just as the guy was about to kill me, a loud slam echoed through the whole room. The guy stood up, moving out of my view of the 10 boys that burst in.

"Who are you?!" The guy asked frantically.

"That doesn't matter," Kris spoke coolly, walking through the crowd to stand in front of the man. "But what does matter, is that you're going to jail."

And with that said, Kris brought his fist up and swung it at the guy, punching him hard so he fell on the floor.

"Is that all?" The man on the floor coughed, rubbing his chin.

He quickly clapped his hands, a few seconds of silence followed. Then, on the other side of the room, 10 other guys dressed all in black appeared, ready to fight.

"Woah," Kris whistled. "More people are gonna get beaten up."

A cacophony of punches and kicks was thrown about, combat in every corner. Us against them, and honestly - I think we were wining. I noticed that Kai had sneaked off and freed Lexie and Chanyeol. Lexie got up and ran as fast as she could over to me, leaving Kai to try and prize Chanyeol away from his spot on the floor.

Lexie slid over to me, ducking down so no one accidentally punched her. I turned my back to her, making her untie my hands first, then my ankles.

"Thank you." I mumbled, sighing in relief.

Missing Boy // (EXO - Luhan FanFic) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now