Chapter 34 // Safe at last...

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The ambulance journey seemed to go on forever, but seeing Luhan and knowing that he was alive made the journey a little better. Okay, so he was attached to an IV drip with thin tubes, scratched up everywhere on his body and bleeding profusely from his abdomen, but to have professional paramedics tell you that he was 'Just about to live' and he was 'Most probably going to recover' was all I needed.

As we jerked from side to side in the tightly packed vehicle, I clung onto Luhan's cold hand tightly, finally feeling his skin after god-knows how long. The glasses and medical supplies in the cabinets above and around the van jerked and shuddered as we came to a stop, probably at some traffic lights.

"Don't worry," The soothing voice of the female paramedic beside me filled my ears. "We're almost there."

I looked at her pale face with a slight smile that she shortly returned. Her honey colored hair was pulled tightly against her scalp up into a small bun, her dark, almond shaped eyes filled with a maternal type of feeling. She looked slightly oriental, with a very beautiful and slender face. She's the kind of woman that you can immediately tell is selfless and wants to help others - great in the medical field.

I nodded slightly, tearing my eyes from her flawless face and back to Luhan's greenish complexion. His soft, kind of greasy hair was messy, some strands falling over his oily forehead.

"H-Hey," The woman said, getting my attention. "I see you have a small cut on your cheek, may I treat it?"

I lifted my free hand to my right cheek that she'd been looking at, feeling a small, sore cut across the skin. I hadn't realized it until she'd mentioned it now. I nodded in answer, not really wanting to speak.

She slightly stood up, being careful not to fall over in the moving vehicle. The woman quickly grabbed a green first-aid bag off of a small hook on the side of the ambulance. It looked like the one I'd used to treat Luhan's leg ages ago, which reminded me about the unfinished letter I'd thrown to the side - I must finish that.

She speedily zipped open the bag and looked at me. She traced her fingers over a few of the materials inside, mentally checking off the ones she didn't need. She finally pulled out a small plaster, along with a silvery packet of cleaning wipes.

She zipped the bag back up and turned to me. I turned to her a little so she could get a better angle of the cut.

"Hold still please," She said quietly, as if speaking any louder would wake Luhan up, who was out cold. "This may sting a little."

She swiftly pulled out a small, white wipe from the silver packet and gently, yet shakily wiped the cut with it. I squinted at the sharp pain flooding into my cheek.

"Sorry," She panicked slightly, furrowing her small, light eyebrows. "It'll be over in a second."

After a few minutes of internal screaming and wincing, the plaster was on.

Not long after, we arrived at the hospital on the other side of town. The doors at the back of the ambulance flung open, letting the bright light from outside sweep in, almost blinding the paramedic and I. We were used to the dark peacefulness of the shut blinds in the back, only a few slivers of light came through them when the ambulance jerked and shook too much.

Two men, that were driving the ambulance, in green uniforms were peering in. One of the men - the taller one - stepped inside, pressing one of the wheels of the stretcher-type-bed-thing down, obviously taking the brakes off. The other man, who was small and broad, lowered a ramp especially built for the stretcher.

The taller man calmly pushed Luhan out into the open. I stood up hurriedly, watching them leave quickly.

"Hey, wait!" I called, stumbling out of the ambulance to try and catch up with fast walking men.

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