Chapter 9 // Why are my eyes shining like this?

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After a few minutes of wiping tears and regaining sweet oxygen, Sehun and I slowly decended the stairs and walked into the kitchen. Our sadness flowing away when we saw Lexie trying to shove a star-shaped cookie into her mouth whole, while Chanyeol laughed like a maniac.

"What the-" I laughed, catching the attention of Lexie.

She laughed, causing her to choke a little. I rushed to her as she quickly swallowed the biscuit. Chanyeol was wiping his eyes from laughing so hard.

"That was easy." Lexie chuckled, sucking some of the leftover cookie from in between her teeth.

"Of course," I smiled, stepping forward and grabbing a small, lop-sided gingerbread man from the large, white plate in the centre of the table. "You do have a MASSIVE mouth!"

"Hey!" She playfully hit me as I bit into my gingerbread man.

We all laughed, but returned to a happy silence, the only sound to be heard was the soft noise of the TV in the front room and the quiet chomping noise of eating.

"Are you feeling better, Sehun?" Chanyeol cut the silence, leaning against the fridge, somehow taller than himself.

"Yeah," He swallowed the bite of cookie he had in his mouth. "Thanks to Arabella."

I turned to him, to see him smiling slightly. I smiled back, finishing my cookie off with one bite.

"Honestly, I wasn't really any help!"


"Thanks again," I exclaimed, stepping onto Chanyeol's front step, Lexie obediently following behind me. "You guys are really kickstarting this off for me."

"No problem!" Chanyeol laughed, his large smile made his eyes seem a little squinted, but still remaining handsome. "Any time you need help, ring me up and I'll help as best as I can."

"Yay!" I did a mini dance. "And you Sehun, thank you."

"That's OK." He giggled as he backhugged Chanyeol.

We all laughed and said our goodbye's. But whilst walking down the long street, Lexie said something I knew was going to be said...

"Sehun seems nice..." She trailed off, pulling at a loose thread at the bottom of her t-shirt.

"You like him, don't you?" I asked, smirking at her.

"I do not!" She yelled, defending herself.

I gave her a Come on look.

"Lexie...Come on." I looked at her.

She was blushing.

"Maybe..." She looked away, hiding her confession.

"Who don't you have a crush on?" I laughed, playfully elbowing her in the ribs.

She giggled and moved away from me slightly.

"It's not my fault I'm surrounded by nice-looking guys."


The next day~

I was anxiously waiting outside the school gates, freezing my legs off.

Hurry up! I thought to myself, snuggling further into my large, beige scarf.

If I snuggled in any further, the scarf would eat me whole! I looked down the street at the hoards of students, all in identical school uniforms, shuffling unwillingly towards the school. I saw that Kai guy, walking all by himself. His hands were stuffed into his pockets, his black hoodie underneath his blazer looked like the only thing keeping him warm. His dark chocolate eyes connected with mine. He smiled his knee-weakening smile and walked over to me. I bet Lexie wishes she was early now!

"You're Arabella, right?" He asked as he sniffled, his cheeks a rosy color from the bitter cold.

Although it was a bright and crisp day outside, it was awfully cold.

"That's me."

"I heard that you were trying to find Luhan?"

"Y-Yeah..." I looked down and blushed. He probably thought it was a stupid idea.

"I want to help you."

I looked up and into his big eyes. Kai was serious.

"Y-You do?" I stuttered, pulling my scarf down and away from my mouth.

"Yeah," He scratched the back of his neck. "Meet me in the library after school, I'll tell you everything I know."

"Really?" I asked, filled with excitement.

"Yep," He giggled. "I don't know much, but I hope it'll help,"

"O-OK," I stuttered again. "Thank you!"

"No problem." He called over his shoulder as he started to walk away.

Finally! Someone else is taking this seriously!


Lexie was gutted that she couldn't come with me after school, because she had dance practise. So I made my way to the school's library on my own. I slowly opened the door to the sound of...nothing. People were in the library, but everything they did was muted. I never really came into the library much, I prefered online books.

I scanned the room for Kai, but he wasn't anywhere to be found, so I decided to wait around for a little bit.

I slowly walked in and out of the rows and rows of bookshelves, trying not to make too much noise. I wanted to find a book to read to take up my time, as Kai seemed like the person to arrive fashionably late. He was probably snogging one of the popular girls in our year. Probably.

I scanned the bookshelves in search for a book I'd wanted to read for a long time. Wuthering Heights had always intruiged me, much like the Bronte sisters themselves. Thousands of authors who's names began with the letter B popped up.

But before I could find the book, I bumped into someone and landed on the floor with a thud.

"A-Are you OK?"



ANNYEONGGGG!!!! I hope y'all liked this chapter and I hope it wasn't too short, I'm trying to make them longer, but it isn't working -.-

Anyways, I hope everyone had a great Christmas!! I GOT EXO'S 'OVERDOSE' MINI ALBUM I AM SOOO HAPPY!!!!

I wish you all peace and health // Olivia <3

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