4- Tanaka and Kiyoko

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I march out of my apartment proudly but very very sore, like that time I took a Zumba class when I was nineteen. I walk to the fifth door on my row, and knock VERY loudly just so they know its me, thats my signature being annoying for fun. I mean, it was better when Ryu was being annoying with me, but he's gone soft since Kiyoko and him met. He's such a simp, and I mEAN it like, compared to me? He's like the king of simping, if there is even such a thing.

Kiyoko swings the door open and whispers, "Did he really fuck you" she looks me dead in the eyes, and lifts one eyebrow in curiosity. I was gonna answer with a simple yes, but I couldn't mutter the words, instead I double over laughing, my hands on my knees keeping my upper half supported because I was about to fall over. Tanaka walked to the door and looked just as curiosity as Kiyoko.

"Bro, don't hold us up. Did sexy designer man give you the party stick in the hooter? The devils tango? A little hoochie in your man coochie? Poochie?" Tanaka says, I finally stop laughing and they drag me in by the hair spike. "Okay okay, so here's exaCTLY what happened." I start to explain the night, like the slutty waitress tryna take my mans, to the cat comment, even to the point he opened the wine bottles when Tanaka stops me and goes, "Were his cats cute?"

I look him dead in the eye and I say, "Yes, Marshmallow and Marina were the cutest cats the earth has ever seen, they were the fluffy white kind that look like a CLOUD. And they feel like one too!" They nod, as cats > slutty waitress. "But anyways, we talked so much. When he was half drunk and I could barely feel half of my body he started talking about his job. And OMG he has the coolest job? He bosses people around and draws all day!" I say, before moving onto the next part of the story. ;)

"Then, WOO. His peener? ELEVEN. ELEVEN INCHES!! I was surprised my ass didn't fall off!" Kiyoko's eyes widened at that statement, before going "DAMN." Which surprised both of us, since she's more the type to startle people by saying things quietly and sounding mature but that girl could talk about the digestive system and still look and sound pretty doing it. That's definitely one of the reasons Tanaka loves her.

"So bro, are you happy you got on the dating app nOw?" I rolled my eyes before saying this snarky remark, "Y'know, even if I didn't get on the app. I would of never listened to you, Kiyoko persuaded me." I say with an evil grin, Tanaka's all bark not bite.. right?


I went home pretty late, me and Tanaka ended up playing video games but I got pretty tired and walked to my apartment. I think I left my phone there, but whatever I needed uninterrupted time with them to explain my AMAZING date but maybe I should of brought it just incase, what's done is what's done I guess. I unlock my front door to hear my phone ring, I quickly slam and lock my door. Turned on the lights and grabbed my phone to see a text from Asahi!

I got really excited since, to be honest I kinda want to be with him right now, but I can't I'd seem clingy? I guess that's what Tanaka said when I mentioned I wanted to see Asahi.

Sexy Designer Man ;) ❤️

10:45 PM

Sexy Designer Man ;) ❤️

'Hey!! Was wondering, you ever watch Malcolm in the Middle? If not, next date night my apartment, season one, snacks, cats, and cuddles? Text me when you can, x❤️'


'So. INN!!! Malcolm in the Middle was my favorite childhood show! I'd love too, next Friday good for you? ❤️❤️

Sexy Designer Man ;) ❤️

'Sounds great, I'll see you Friday then. ❤️'


'Alright! See you ❤️'

I'm really excited for Friday, to be honest since I love seeing Asahi, I close my phone and do a little cringey happy dance. But, right now I feel like I'm living cloud nine by beach bunny. I am that happy!! Shoot, have I called my stepmom this week- I don't think so whatever. I go grab my second favorite pajamas, and curl up onto my couch, 'Wonder whats on tv today. Click, Click, bachelorette? BACHELORETTE IS BACK ON?'

I get super excited and turn it on, I ended up accidentally falling asleep but that's normal for me, I constantly do it. I missed like six calls, and a couple texts but none were from Asahi so it didn't matter to me at then moment. All I wanted to do was sleep, because I got little sleep the night prior, so this couch nap was perfect.


hi bebes! i just wanted to post a couple of chapters of this for valentines day (as well as one more surprise) i know my writing style has certainly changed as of more recent times but i did make this around last Christmas? so i just decided hey i liked it so ill post it. also im gonna start going by my irl name lorelei from now on! love lorelei ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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