Peer Presure

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More Altered DxD lore ahead.

Nate POV

I finally get out of school.

Now, I'm waiting for my little chat with Gremory.

'Finally, we can get some damn answers about what da hell is goin' on here.' Scout said.

'Fallen Angels, Devils... I never took Merasmus for ze religious type.' Spy said.

I don't think he is. I think he just sent us here because he knew we would have some trouble.

'Still, this was definitely a lot more than we were expecting.' Engi says.


My team and I don't really have anything more to talk about, so for now, I just sit there.


I hope Asia kept up her end of the deal.

Nate's apartment
Last night

After an hour of operating on Asia, she finally wakes up.

Medic, pretending to be me, gives her the quick run down on what we saw happen.

After that, Medic, still pretending to be me, asks her to do something very important.

"One more thing before I let you go Asia, I must ask zat you keep zis a secret. Me being ze one who operated on you, zat is." Medic asks.

"But, why would I lie about this?" Asia asks.

"I know zat it's odd, but please... I'm asking you as a friend." Medic says.

Asia looks at Medic, thinking that it's me, then nods in agreement.

"Thank you, Asia." Medic says.

Then Asia thanks us for saving her, then leaves the apartment.

Once she's gone, Medic gives me back control of my body.

*end flashback*

After about 5 minutes of waiting, the blond guy, Kiba, walks up to me.

"Alright, lead the way." I say.

He then proceeds to lead me out of the school and into the building where I first met Issei.

He then leads me inside.

To my surprise, the inside is rather nice. Much more taken care of then the outside. There were a lot of candles everywhere.

'The only three places that have this many candles are cults, hippie camps, and Merasmus's castle!' Soldier said.

Wow, that's probably the smartest thing I've ever heard you say in the seven years that I've known you.

'Zat may be the smartest thing any of us have heard him say.' Spy says.

'Yeah, dis place gives off some occult vibes.' Scout said.

'Well, that would make sense. Gremory did say that her and her associates were Devils.' Engineer reasoned.

Which kind of explains a lot, actually. It explains how Issei was nearly killed, then came back fine the next day. It also explains the reoccurring bird people. By associating with Gremory, who is apparently a devil heiress, we've accidentally roped ourselves into some sort of war between Devils and Fallen Angels.

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