The Saints and The Sinners: Part 3

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Altered DxD plot device in this chapter

Third Person POV

In the middle of the woods, two Fallen Angels were standing around, one male, the other female. One of them didn't like that she was missing the action Raynare had planned.

"Uuuggghhh... this is so boring!" She exclaimed.

"Sometimes jobs are boring. We just have to deal with it." The male replied nonchalantly.

"Why can't we be fighting those Devils?" The girl asked.

"Because Raynare wants us to guard the woods in case one of them comes here." The male replied calmly.

The girl sighed and continued standing around. She then looked at the boy.

"Hey, aren't you the new guy?" The girl asked.

"Yeah. That's me." The boy replied.

"What'd you think of the Church?" The girl asks.

"Don't know. Never been." The boy says.

"Oh, you were one of those rare instances." The girl says.

"Rare instances?" The boy asked.

"Normally those that join us are brought to the Church to be introduced. But every now and then, there are those that are introduced somewhere else." The girl explained.

She then turned her back to the boy, leaning her shoulder on a tree.

"The Church is really something. Shame the battle is gonna damage it." The girl says.

"The battle is at the Church?" The boy asked.

"Yeah. That's where Raynare took that nun." The girl said, her back still to the boy.

"Huh... well, thanks." The boy said.

"For wha- AAAUUUGGGHHH!!!" The girl screamed as she died.

The boy then took the knife out of her back.

The boy was then engulfed in smoke. When the smoke dissipated, it revealed that it was actually Nate wearing a disguise mask.

Now that Nate knew where Asia was and where Rias and Issei were going to be, he ran towards the Church.

He took out an SMG and loaded a clip into it.

As he got closer to the Church, he could here the sounds of a battle.

When he finally burst into the Church, he saw a blond guy and a white haired girl fighting a group of priests.

When he finally burst into the Church, he saw a blond guy and a white haired girl fighting a group of priests

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