the gift

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Alice's POV:

My parents have Alfie for the day letting me be able to clean the house without having to look after him at the same time. It's been 2 months since Michael left, I miss him like mad but at least Alfie haven't showed any signs of getting closer to walking or talking which is good. He stands up by the couch and tries to walk holding onto it but he gives up and ends up crawling cause it's faster. I finished downstairs and go to do the rooms which needs cleaning upstairs, I was half way through the bedroom when I find a box with my name on it. I open it and find a charm bracelet with 3 charms, the letters A, A and M. Our names and a heart charm. I also find a note,

'So I'm assuming you found this after a few months I've been gone, if I assumed right then good. I miss you so much and I can't wait to see you, I got you this charm bracelet cause I love you and I like spoiling my queen. I promise this will all end soon.

Love you loads,
Michael x'

I smile and put the bracelet in my jewellery box then I do the final room, Alfie's room. Just like mine I find a gift with a note.

'I'm assuming this is Alice, if it's Alfie please somehow magically understand this and don't eat it. If it's Alice hey. I got Alfie this toy because just like you I love him and miss him loads'

I place the toy on top of the toy box and go downstairs for lunch.

Michael's POV:

I come out of another fake meeting about cars, it's been 2 months and we haven't even found out the smallest of information, we've found nothing. Sarah is annoying as ever, she's taking it way too seriously, wish she was paired up with a single guy cause they're getting into their roles very seriously.

I'm glad that so far Alfie hasn't done anything development wise, god I miss them so much. For people in this career everyone thinks we're these hard gangsters that has no emotions and don't care about anyone but we're the opposite. Ok maybe we're not but with family we are, I would do anything to make sure my family are safe. I remember getting with Alice and I would get so mad if somone said she's hot cause I'd be jealous. Alice has changed me, changed me for the better.

"Hun we need more coffee too, you're brother drank it all" Sarah says

Yes we're now shopping, I cringe every time she calls me hun it's disgusting. I don't like anyone calling me that except Alice of course. I have to hold her hand in public too, why? Not every couple holds hand public me and Alice don't always hold hands. I get a text, yes! Thank you to whoever it is cause I can let go of her hand, I love you for saving me.

Thanks for the gifts, love and miss you too xxx'

She's found them, and at the right time too. I thought she'd find them in a day or so. I smile literally the whole time I'm texting her, making Sarah very jealous.

Alice's POV:

I pick Alfie up and on the way home we stop off at the gas station.

"Hey Alice" Will smiles

"Hey, how's things going with Michael and Jamie gone?"

"It's going good but sadly us and them can't find anything"

We finish putting gas in the cars and I was grabbing some milk as well Michael calls me so I answer it obviously, but Will comes over to me and takes the phone off me and talks to him. I don't like the sound of it so i keep quiet and don't try to get my phone back.

"He said he has to go but he loves you and Alfie and will call you later" Will says handing my phone back

"What's going on?"

"Max found out he's going to a club so we had to inform Michael and everyone fast."

"Just hope it will work"

"Yeah, hopefully"

I get home and I let Alfie play with his toys whilst I watch tv, I sure hope everything's ok in Florida. I know Michael can't stand Sarah. After 20 minutes I give Alfie his dinner and then it's bath time again, bathing Alfie is hard cause he moves around to play with the bubbles oh and screams the place down if water gets in his eyes.

Michael's POV:

"Well that was pointless" Jamie says as we enter his hotel suite

"Can I stay here for the night?" I smile sitting down

"No, you got a wife at home" he laughs

"Shut up, she's getting on my nerves. When we're home the girls go off and do their own things but Sarah won't leave me alone she stays in the role."

"We'll be home soon"

I nod in agreement and go to so called home. "Where you going?" Sarah asks as I close the door and goes straight upstairs

"To phone my family" I say whilst walking and not looking back at her


"Hey...I'm guessing you're in the bathroom" I laugh as I hear Alfie in the background

"Yeah, he's getting better when having his hair washed"

"That's good" I smile "so you like the bracelet?"

"I love it, thank you"

"You're welcome"

"How's things your end?"

"Well we went to the club and we heard people talking about the guy we're guessing is who we need. Hopefully we'll actually find him or better information"

"Hopefully, I miss you"

"I miss you more, I swear I'm sick in my mouth whenever Sarah calls me hun and crap"

"You're being over dramatic" she laughs

"I'm not, it's disgusting. I wish I was gay or we split up cause she cheats"

"You gay? Omg that is too funny, remember when my brother tried it on with you cause he didn't know you was with me"

"How could I forget?" I giggle "he said I had good hair though"

"He says that to everyone though, one sec.....Alfie no, you mustn't do that....good boy......ok I'm back"

"Let me guess, trying to get bubbles everywhere?"


I smile as I hear him in the background making random noises and splashes, then a big splash and I laugh. "I'm gonna let you go cause that sounded like you need to dry your hair"

"Something like that, I'll text you in a bit"

"Ok, love you"

"Love you too"

I miss this, I miss the adventures of bathing Alfie. Ok yes I did mess around and give him loads of hairstyles and things out of bubbles resulting in Alice not being too impressed but those are the most precious things in life, it truly is the little things you miss the most. I'm gonna be home soon, I'm gonna give my family the best gift ever of returning home soon.

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