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Alice's POV:

I was sat downstairs watching tv feeding Alfie whilst Michael was putting some more money in his safe room which is actually awesome especially when he got locked in it.

"hey, so you ready?" he smiles walking into the room with a pen and notebook

"yeah" I smile as he sits down

"what type?"

"something unique and special"

"any colour theme?"


"amount of guests?"

"not loads"

"half of my men will have to be there, you know why"

I simply nod ok and carry on looking through the wedding magazines with help from Alfie who just likes to try and rip them.

"I will get him babe, you do know that don't you?"

"I know you will......eventually"

"I would love to go to the police to get it over and done with too but my job will unfold and it may not end well"

"for once it's quiet so can we not talk about it cause it will be jinxed and you will have to leave"

"cake style?"he asks changing the topic

"don't know, cake is cake, it's all the same"

"red velt, chocolate, sponge, sponge with or without jam, icing, cream"

"alright alright, I get the picture" I laugh

"see so it's not all the same" he laughs

"what about this?" I ask as I show him a picture in the magazine of a giant cupcake and then little mini ones

"that's cute, I like it"

"or a rainbow cake" he smiles

"that sounds awesome" I laugh

Michael's POV:

the next day we go to a wedding fair, I carry Alfie seeing as it's packed and I'm taller so he'll actually be able to breathe.

"Look at that, isn't it beautiful?" Alice smiles pointing at a horse and carriage

"Yeah, shame about the smell"

"They're not that smelly"

"Oh yeah? What about when you're taking photos, everyone all dressed nice then the horse takes a shit?"

"Michael! Language, Alfie is right by you"

"He's little, he don't understand it"

"Oh and will you be saying that when his first word is that?"

"It would be funny if it was"

"No it wouldn't"

"Aww Alice, chill out man." I laugh and kisses Alfie on the cheek "doesn't mommy need to chill out? How about having a nice spliff listening to Bob Marley, that will mellow her mood"

"Michael! I am warning you!" She whispher yells taking Alfie from me

"Babe chill out, he's fine" I laugh

"you don't know who's around, someone could report us or someone could be working for the child protection agency"

"Don't worry, you and I both no that no one will ever be able to take him from us"

She simply rolls her eyes and we carry on looking around.

Alice's POV:

We was looking around and I stop dead in my tracks, making Michael bump into me "woah babe"

"We need to go"

"Why? We haven't looked at the food, I'm hungry so let's go and have the testers"

"No, we really have to go" I say and point to the stall that's nearby

"Shit" Michael says and holds my hand "come on"

There's this creepy dude stood within the suits stall with a camera, he was watching us. I know it cause I moved more to the right and he followed me, Michael reaction also showed he was watching us. Normally I would question Michael as to who he is and where we're going but this time I decide to remain quiet. We end up at the typical place, base. We get inside and as normal Michael storms off to his office, I don't know who that man was and I don't even recognise him. I sit with Alife and just wait I guess.


"Come here" Michael smiles pulling me onto his lap, he reaches over and places a magazine on my lap "I like that idea" he smiles opening it to a page which is of vintage sweet stall for the wedding.

"You and your sweet tooth" I laugh, we look through the magazines and carry on planning. It's actually hard work planning a wedding, it's gonna be worth it though.

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