Mrs Jackson

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Michael's POV:

I pace around the room, I'm so nervous. Alice is finally becoming my wife.

"Calm down" Jamie smiles

"What if something bad happens? This is her big day, the day she's been dreaming of since age 10"

"We got the guys outside and things undercover so don't worry. It's all under control and things will be ok"

I nod ok and my brothers enter the room. I can't wait to see Alice, she's going to look so beautiful and finally give up that surname of hers.

Alice's POV:

"Mama" Alfie smiles running up to me

"Hey buddy, don't you look cute" I smile picking him up

"We're going on howlidays"

"We sure are" I kiss his cheek and place him down "go and watch tv buddy"

He runs off to the couch and carry on watching tv. We're bringing him with us to the Bahamas cause I know for a fact I couldn't go a week without seeing my little man and Michael wanted him to come.

"Alice, it's time" Dad smiles

I'm not nervous, I am but not the typical reason. I'm nervous something will happen in regards to Michael's work. I link my arms around Dad and I smile as soon as I see Michael, he looks perfect as always.

Michael's POV:

"You may now kiss the bride"

I smile and wrap my arms around Alice and dip her down as I Kiss her "I love you" I whisper before pulling her back up

"I love you too"

I reach over to take Alfie from Janet and I hold him on my hip as I hold Alice's hand.

"Howlidays now?" He smiles as we walk up the ailse

"Not yet buddy" I smile


"You look absolutely gorgeous" I smile

"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself"

We get to the reception and take photos whilst we wait for everyone else to arrive, when they arrive we do all the big massive group photos then head inside for food.

Alice's POV:

I'm now Alice Jackson and it feels amazing, there's a lot of people from Michael's work here and thankfully nothing have happened. I'll be honest, I don't want this lifestyle. I don't want Alfie and his future siblings growing up with this lifestyle but what can I do about it? He can't just drop his job and change it overnight. I guess I can only hope it will somehow change but in the mean time we can spend the next week being a normal family.

"May I have this dance Mrs Jackson?" Michael smiles holding his hand out

"You may Mr Jackson" I smile taking his hand and standing up

"Mama, Daddy"

Michael chuckles and picks Alfie up "you wanna join buddy?"

"Yeah" he smiles

I kisses Aflie on the cheek and smile, I love my family.

The Maldives

Michael's POV:

"Right, you gotta be quiet ok?"

"Otay" Alfie smiles

He goes on ahead and opens the door whilst I carry the tray behind him "Mommy....Mama......wakey wakey shakey bakey"

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