The end?

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Michael's POV:
We get home from the Santa's grotto and Alfie and Louise runs off with Diego to the living room as we enter the house. Alice takes Lauren upstairs and put her in the crib for her afternoon nap so I go and make a drink. My phone goes off and I read the text

'Aww, what a cute family you got there Mikey. Even the family dog too'

Shit, I'm instantly happy straight to mad. No one calls me Mikey ever unless your name is Alice and is my wife. How the fuck does he know about them? I always change my looks around when I'm with them.

"Babe?" I turn and see Alice looking at me "what's wrong?" She asks walking over

"He knows about you all"

"It's gonna be ok"

"No it's not! I gotta get you all away from here and fast"

"I'm not leaving you"

"You have to baby, take Diego too"

"No, you'll be lonely"

"I'll be fine, I need you all to be safe"

She sighs and hugs me "ok.....I'll go and pack then"

"I'll get Jamie to pick you up" I say and she walks away not responding, it's for the best she can't stay here it's too dangerous, especially now he knows about them.

Alice's POV:
I finish packing my bags then I go to Alfie's room and pack his things."He'll be here soon" Michael says coming into the room


"Babe I promise things will get better, I'm gonna get him and get him fast. I'm not gonna stop until I do" he says handing me some of Alfie's clothes

"Don't overwork yourself through"

"I won't"

I finish packing and quickly does Louise and Lauren's then Jamie arrives. I say bye to Michael and we leave, going to my parents.

Michael's POV:
I was at base tracking this person down, well trying to. It's been a few days and I miss Alice and the children so much. It's horrible telling them goodnight over a phone and not in person. my phone rings. I see it's Alice so I answer it."Hey baby"

"Daddy" Alfie says through tears

"Alfie? What's wrong, where's Mommy?"

"She told me to take her phone and run into the tress and press number 1 and then the green button"He's talking about speed dial

"why? What's happened? Where are you?"

"Mommy took me to the lake to feed the ducks, a sports  car pulled up and I showed Mommy it then she told me what to do. I'm hiding  in the tress. I hear shouting. I'm scared Daddy"

"It's gonna be ok, stay still and don't move. Keep quiet but stay on the phone to me ok?"

"Yes Daddy"

I tell 20 men here that they're coming with me, we arrive nearby the lake"Alfie, Jamie and Jack will be approaching you now, so you have to go with them ok?"

"Will I see you?"


"Ok.........They're here"

"Ok, you can hang up now"


I wait and then they arrive back at the car, I take Alfie out of Jack's arms and hold him close. We hear a loud scream and Alfie clings tighter to me. "Jack, you and 6 others take him to base. I want all of you with him at all times, even if he needs the bathroom." They nod ok and get in a car with Alfie and leaves.

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