2.) The Younger Potter

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It was the first day of classes, finally. I was sick of hearing Pansy attempt to flirt with me at just about all hours of the day. I couldn't go anywhere without her following behind me to make some sort of comment. I was sick of Pansy Parkinson.

I had Potions first with the irritable Professor Slughorn. I rushed to the class early, avoiding Pansy as she had this class too. 

Luckily Blaise was already there, saving me a spot like I told him to. 

"Glad a dumb-wit like you knows how to listen, Zabini" I teased, sitting next to the boy. He rolled his eyes and jabbed my side harshly with his wand. "Watch it or I won't save your ass from Parkinson next time" he hissed.

The class begun, Slughorn had taken a handful of points from Slytherin due to Blaise and I, nothing new. I was zoning off but soon snapped back into reality when the door to the classroom flew open, revealing no other than the newest Potter, Madeline Potter. I smirked widely, nudging Blaise who's head shot up from the desk and followed my gaze to the girl.

"Fresh meat" He mumbled, making me snicker.

"Uhh sorry I-I got lost... Is this-"

"Potions, Potter? See you're just as clueless as your brother" I tease, causing the other slytherins to laugh. Slughorn glared at me and motioned for Madeline to sit next to the only other Hufflepuff in the class. She made her way to her sit quietly with he head down, avoiding eye contact with anyone.

She looked like Harry, dark hair and a fair yet olive skin tone. She was skin and bones like Potter too. 

"Attention back up here!" Slughorn stutters, making Blaise and I groan. Potions was my favorite until Slughorn took over, now it felt like a drag. 

"Draco! You have been rather vocal today, why don't you come tell me what each of these potions are?" The old professor grins, tapping his wand on the table. I roll my eyes and head the front of the room, looking down at the pots.

"Couldn't tell ya Professor" I shrug, smirking as annoyance covered his face. Blaise gave me a high five and from the corner of my eye I could see the new Potter roll her eyes. Strangely, unlike when her brother would do that, seeing her roll her eyes made my heart race. Surely it's only because I love seeing the affect I have on people...

"Well take a better look" he muttered.

I lean closer, naming off the first two potions before reaching the final one. It was a soft pink color and smelt like... flowers? No... Lavender and orange. My eyes widen as I turn to face Slughorn.

A bloody Love Potion!

"You twat!" I shout, causing the Professor to stumble back as I pull out my wand. He was going to pay for this! "A love potion! Wait until my father hears about this you old raggedy-"

"Malfoy" A deep familiar voice rings through the room.


Professor Snape.

I slowly look up to see Snape standing in the door way. He points to my seat and I nod, without a word heading back to my seat. 

"Professor Slughorn you are excused, I will finish class today" Snape says lowly, glaring at me as he passes by.

I look towards Madeline who has a small smirk on her face, her face turning red when our eyes meet. I smirk and give her a wink, causing her to look down at her textbook. Her brother would be furious if he saw the two of us right now. The thought of Potter filled with rage just from me simply looking towards his sister made me smirk as I turned back to face Professor Snape.

"Class is dismissed, Malfoy you will stay behind. I have some things to discuss with you" Professor Snape says lowly with a nod, turning back to clean up the mess that had been created.

Blaise groaned as Pansy walked over, playfully smacking our heads. "Scared Bad Boy?" she snickered, resting her hand on my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes and pushed her hand away, "No now get out before Snape gets more pissy" I hiss. Pansy rolled her eyes but grabbed Blaise's hand and dragged him away. 

Damn was Pansy Parkinson annoying.

"I see you've met Miss. Potter." Snape hummed, looking at me as he moved across the class room. I nod and watch him closely.

Why was Snape here to talk about Potter to me? 

"She poses as a threat to you, a great set back... You have a quest to complete Draco and I'd like to believe you will complete it as you're told." 

The Dark Lord. I was supposed to murder Dumbledore. My stomach turned at the thought, I tried my best to push it away but Snape was always a reminder of what I was supposed to do. Deep down I didn't want to kill Dumbledore, hell maybe I didn't want to kill anyone but if I didn't do as I was told, Voldemort would kill me. 

I didn't want to die.

Professor Snape walked over to me, examining my face as I looked down at my desk. "Stay away from the Potters and do as you're told, do not disappoint me" he said lowly, his wand wandering up my neck before pushing my chin up. 


I quickly scramble to my feet, grabbing my textbook and heading out of the room. Just as I turn the corner down the hall I see none other than Madeline Potter, her eyes wide as she stands behind a column, attempting to hide herself.

"Potter hasn't anyone told you stalking isn't kind?" I mutter, approaching her. She stumbles back against the brick wall, not speaking a word.

"Don't be like your brother, don't get in my way" I say lowly, looking the girl up and down. She wasn't bad looking... 

She nods, "I'm sorry Draco I-I just... I don't know where my next class is and uhh I saw you coming so I just though-"

I grab the paper from her hands, looking over her schedule closely before groaning, handing it back to her. We had another class together?! 

"Herbology, it's my next class too. Just follow me but don't get used to waiting around for me, this isn't a friend request" I mutter, walking away. I smirk hearing her rush to keep up with me.

"What a prick" she mumbles to herself, probably not expecting me to her. I chuckle softly, glancing at her. Madeline's face went pale as a blush took over her cheeks. Cute.

Soon enough we got to the class. Of course I received a scolding while Madeline was praised and welcomed by the Professor. Damn Hufflepuffs...

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