to the moon

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"Are you kidding me? Arijit, I ain't fooling around!"
I was astounded as Riz just let that rotten excuse of a man get away with that. Okay, I admit that it was a very sad excuse car, but it was our car!
Arijit suddenly spoke up, shaking me out of my internal rant.
"See, even if we have chased after them, we couldn't have done anything, you know; so better that I called a colleague of mine."
"Are you even worried? And why are you calling some random colleague of yours instead the police?"
"Oh, shut up Sherlock. He works in the Guardia Civil, and also because I have to inform someone we'll be late. Maybe I'll tell him to contact your uncle too."
As I grumbled a yes, I started pondering on what should be our next step. That one employee there had broken his Nokia and his vehicle wasn't with him at the moment. My phone was in the car and Riz had exhausted his data package rendering Google Maps useless, not that there was going to be any network here anyways - so my best guess was that we were some scant kilometres ahead of Turbaco. So heading back to Sincejel was out of the question - it was just too hazardous and unreliable of a plan. the only recourse we were left with was to somehow reach Cartagena, and then comprehend on our way back.
"Sona, what should we do now?"
"Let's start walking for now. If someone comes up with a vehicle or something, we'll try and hitchhike."
"Walk like there's no tomorrow and probably hitchhike with some sketchy dude. Got it."
"Shut your trap, we both know there ain't any better options."
"Oh well, to the moon and never back"

Boy, never had I been so right.

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