Chapter 1 - Once Upon A Time..

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September 4th, 1937 - Where our story begins...

London, England. The air was thick as she walked toward the building, her hands clutched her purse string as her heels clicked against the sidewalk. The day was overcast, damp, and unusually thick, the same way it's thick before receiving bad news. She had learned at a very young age that "Bad" was a relative term. Sometimes things we think are bad are not as they appear. Such as, A woman holding a gun over her dead husband's body, could be seen as very bad. Until you learn that he was abusing her for years. Things are not always as they appear. Which was exactly the reason why she was hired. She knew this was going to be something different, something good. They only ever called her when something good reared its head. She was the youngest member of the MI-6 at the age of 21. 

She entered the building and walked toward the front desk. 2 young security guards sat. She quickly pulled out her ID while walking and showed it to the security while stating her name. "Scarlet Knight," Her voice was soft like fine Silk yet demanded to be heard like a delicate Velvet. Both guards nodded and allowed her to pass into the elevators. She expertly made her way to the briefing room where she had to meet so many times before. A tall, slightly heavier set, brownish blonde-haired, man whose face was adorned with a large mustache that covered most of his mouth except his bottom lip. He sat silently at the end of a large table where a folder full of files lay in front of him. "Welcome back Miss Knight, How have you been? I know it's been a few months since your last mission? You're well I hope?" He smiled as he stood up holding his hand to his chest as if he were wearing a pair of invisible suspenders and he was gripping them.

Scarlet smiled softly as she set her purse down on the table. "Hello General Fenech, Yes, My last mission was successful and I feel I've had a well-deserved rest. However, Coming back to work is always a welcome distraction sir." She sat down at the end of the table and crossed one beautifully pale leg over the knee of her other. "Miss Knight, You always do splendid work. This is why we have called you here today. We have a new mission that needs your specific expertise." General Fenech said as he grabbed the files and walked them over to her before plopping them on the table. "You are fluent in french yes?" He asked her expectantly. "General you know I am. I am fluent in many languages as per my job description." Scarlet said with a smirk. "Yes, I think I can handle french seeing as how I was born in Marseille. But what is this about General?"General Fenech smiled " I haven't forgotten Miss Knight. You see we have received news that Chancellor Adolf Hitler is starting to take a large interest in Germany's Military and it's frankly very concerning. We want you to go to Germany as a french exchange student and keep your eyes and ears open for anything of use to us. Miss Ivette Chaumont, 21, was born and raised in Marseille. Her parents deceased in a horrible car accident when visiting London. A lovely young woman who is studying german to become an effective telegraph translator. Will be your cover."

"So Adolf Hitler is ruffling feathers already, interesting, well I accept and will give you any information I can, General. I will gather a few things and be prepared to go. I'm sure you have my flight and accommodations ready?" She said as she stood taking the files and placing them in her purse as she closed it securely before tucking it under her arm the strap over her shoulder. General Fenech smiled widely his mustache highlighting his white teeth. "Wonderful, and yes of course my dear we have everything taken care of you can leave as soon as your ready. Goodluck Miss Knight" Scarlet saluted and turned to leave the room as she made her way back down the building and past security outside once more she made her way to a cabbie to take her to her flat so she could prepare her papers and items. Not but a few days later, General Fenech sent her the passport she needed with her cover name and her new identity. Miss Ivette Chaumont was about to head out for Germany.

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