A New Journey...... On Break

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Yeah so if the titles not obvious this story is going on Hiatus for a bit....but I would like to say thank you to everyone who has read, voted or commented on my stories you guys have been a big support, your patience, understanding, random jokes at the story, it's all been great to know that people are enjoying this
This has kinda helped me with some problems, cliché as it is I a was not a very confident or interesting person but the support has really helped me enough in fact that we'll you know how they say"New year, new me"well I'm actually doing it I'm gonna start streaming on twitch so if anyone is interested my username  is reconhacker12l(has a ps5 chan as logo for now) I'm going to start streaming dark souls and any other games (I hear it has some top tier waifu's, that I might include in my stories) so if ya wanna hear me probably rage well there it is starting Saturday 15:00 in Spain
Us:8:00 or 9:00 depending where you are(Because apparently America isn't the same time over the country bit weird)
If you have any games to suggest please do
I really would like to see some people, just saying, please... OK I'll stop

Reason for hiatus:
-Season 1 is now over
-I was originally going to do the mugen train arc(The film) but now I'm doing my own original part
-There a story I've put on hold till this point as well, so now I'll start doing that one
-I get some breathing room to better plan things out
There's no official release date for season 2 but don't worry I won't be on Hiatus that long.
(After my original part there will be manga spoilers Ill warn everyone when I get to that point though)

I decided not to say who is on your team because I'll let you guys decide this way I can also focus on the harem so here's your choices.
(You get one hashira and two others) (So the top three are your companions)
-Mitsuri or Shinobu
-Violet(the one who stabbed you if you forgot)
-Maybe even a new character

Anyway still thanks for the love and support

Kinda awkward this considering someone commented saying they were excited for next update

"The Wolf" Demon slayer yuri harem x Futa reader Where stories live. Discover now