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No pov
A pleasant orange glow illuminated your room and your resting form, barely awake you rose from your sheets to look at the sunrise it was still early so no one was up it was beautiful peace-"Caw, caw, caw wake up" and of course your peace had to distributed as your owl flew into your room.

(Y/n) pov
"Sigh, can't have one morning" I muttered under my breath as he landed beside me
"Mission for you stop being lazy" he said
"Fine, fine just tell me where to go"
"Meet in the plaza"
With that I splashed some water in my face trying to wake up and got dressed.

I made it to the main plaza and stepped inside the main building, inside the grandmaster, Shinobu, Jirou and Mikasa were sat waiting for me. "Take it I'm the last one" I joked hoping to get them to stop staring at me.
"Please miss (l/n) take a seat with your fellow slayer's" the grandmaster said gesturing to sit down,i quickly hoped over sitting beside Shinobu "I've summoned you both here because I have an assignment for you four"
"What is it sir?" Mikasa asked him
"Up in a town north of here there's been report of a demon we sent two teams and only one person came back saying that the demon was using breath styles and was dangerous"
"Wait demon's can use breath styles but wouldn't that mean that they were slayer's.... Why would someone become a demon?" I asked not entirely understanding why a slayer of demon's would become one.
"Strength.... Is the simple answer because they think they'll be stronger" Shinobu said with a hint of disgust.
"Hmm yes.... That's why I'm sending you four I believe you can handle this....that is all good luck my children" he said everyone stood up took there leave but before I could "Ahh miss (l/n) please do be careful.... Losing you could be very detrimental"
"Um thanks I think... Don't worry ill be back before you know it" I told him closing the door behind me.

We were leaving tomorrow so I took the time I had left to just wander about aimlessly until I heard a conversation which peeked my interest, I hid around the corner and peeked out as Toobee and Violet talked to one another. 'Do they know eachother?'
"It is nice to see you again Master" Violet said to Toobee with a little bow
"There's no need for that Violet.... It is great to see... Well I guess hear you aswell" she said "How has life been treating you since you took my place as hashira"
"The same as it was before"
"Oh really well I heard you recently stabbed a fellow slayer"
"Sigh, that girl... I was aiming for the demon the girl got in the way and even then she's colluding with a demon they're both connected its disgusting" she said
"Hmm well I personally know her and I'm sure she would say otherwise..... Isn't that right (y/n)?" she said turning towards my direction.
"Urgh easedropping as well you are my making me sick" Violet said getting up in a Huff and taking off
"Sigh, still the same as ever hmm.... Well (y/n) am I right about this demon?.....And when can I meet her?"
"Oh well yes you are, we can go right now"

I guided Toobee back to the butterfly mansion and introduced her to Blue while she couldn't see her, she took her into her arms "Hmm she's.... Very smooth"
"Hey I don't think it's my business but what is your connection to Violet?"
"She was once my student when I was still a hashira" she told me
"Why did you never say anything about it then?"
"Why would I talk about someone you'd probably never meet besides if it wasn't for this little one she'd have no issues with you" she said caressing Blue"In fact you would've got along quite well..... Believe me if you have a chance talk to her perhaps you can even sway her to your side"

The next day I was saying my goodbyes to everyone leaving Ahsoka for last "You're leaving now... Sigh"
"Yea but don't worry ill be back soon" I told her
She grabbed me and pulled me into a hug"Im proud of you, you changed so much from that little girl I found..... "she started shaking as a few tears built up" I know you'll come back but.... You're like the daughter I never had... I love you so much"she said as a few tears landed on me staining my kimono.
"I love you too Mom..... I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me" I told her hugging her back.
"Right, right, sigh..... Blue please take of my daughter..... Don't let her do anything stupid.... Oh before I forget I fixed this for you" she said handing me my mask from the final selection.
"Thanks....." I told her as I heard my name being called "Ive gotta go now... I love you"

And with that I left and embarked on my journey with my team.

No pov
Far up north in a village the clashing of blades rang out during the dead of night, as inside a building a slayer fought a demon wielding a sword, the slayer used  fire form striking the demon only to miss as the demon sliced forward cutting the slayer's head off "Stop it.... Just stop it.... Its no use....Im already doomed" the demon cried out as a loud set of footsteps were heard.
"It's only a matter of time... Before she comes" another demon clad in armour said between raspy breaths

Hey were back short chapter just to start things again gonna do 4 to 5 chapters before another break
Wanted more but let's start slow

"The Wolf" Demon slayer yuri harem x Futa reader Where stories live. Discover now