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"I... I think we lost them.."

"*Huff, puff*...... Good, because I'm tired.... even with Total Concentration"

"But we got away thanks to Blue, her little move there was so cool!"

"Speaking of, Blue get out here" I said so the sentient glob of whatever she was jumped out and assumed her younger form looking down at the ground guiltily "Now it's going to sound like I'm angry.. That's cause I am. What the heck was that back there?! What were you thinking?"

"Blue... saving -"

"No! No, no you can't just put people in danger then save them and act like you never put them in that situation in the first place. You almost got us killed!..."

"(Y/n)!" Mitsuri shouted stopping my anger filled rant.

"Blue was.. scared"

I pinched the bridge of my nose and let out a deep sigh of frustration "Sigh, I'm sorry I'm not mad at you I'm just... frustrated. Nothing has gone right yet, we have no clue what type of demon we're dealing with, the village people refuse to talk to us and now we have the authorities on us." I took a deep breath and rubbed my forehead to ease the migraine I felt coming on "...... We need a new plan" I said to the love hashira who looked deep in thought "Mitsuri?"



"Ahh wa wha,I'm here what is it?"

"What were you thinking about?"

"Well I was just thinking about the police, they said there was multiple complaints about us"

"Yeah so?"

"Well that means people respect the police enough to voice their concerns, so maybe... if we were police"

"But we're not the police"

"But we could be, we just need their uniforms"

"Soo we find a group of them separated from the others, take their stuff and then go back to questioning the village people,that's.... actually a great idea, your a genius Mitsuri"

"Aw please stop" she said blushing

Going along with Mitsuri's idea we went back through the town doing our best to remain out of sight until we managed to spot two officers leaving a bigger group and going on their own into the financial district.
We still couldn't make our move until they were out of public sight,so instead we followed closely behind them until they stopped in front of a business and went inside.

"That's a really tall wall" Mitsuri pointed out

"It is, probably to prevent what I'm about to do from happening. Blue, do you think you can do what you did earlier... The whip thingy?" Blue answered my question pushing slime through the cracks in the prosthetics finger joints "This is still some of the weirdest stuff I've seen and I fight demons " I pointed up at the top of the wall and watch as the blue stuff shot out attaching where I aimed, I was going to simply scale the wall but Blue surprised by pulling me off my feet into the air, I had to cover my mouth to stop myself from shouting in surprise,my feet hit the wall before I slammed into the wall face first "Wow,you know what Blue you're starting to win me over again"

"Yay!" She cheered.

Need to see if we can come up with something for a fight.
Ok focus,mission time..... Let's see if our suckers are here.Okay and here we -ooppp!" I quicker ducked back behind the wall after just a quick peep but only now has it occurred to me that guys also go to bathhouses ,......old......hairy ......men
"Eugh,why are there so many of them,why couldn't it have been two cute girl officers that we could borrow from?....Wait,do female officers even exist?I wonder if Mitsuri knows anything about that,I mean it was her idea after all I'm sure"

"The Wolf" Demon slayer yuri harem x Futa reader Where stories live. Discover now