21.The Ex-Slayer

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(Y/n) pov
When nightfall arrived me and the girls set out leaving our bags of non essentials I also left Snow in fear of her getting hurt.
We made our way to a house on the outskirts of the town, it sat on the edge of a hill right beside the waterfall 'You could probably jump into that river if you wanted to' we arrived to the front door and debated the plan forward.
"Jirou grab the other door, (Y/n) and Mikasa you get ready if any jumps out" Shinobu commanded us, me and Mikasa jumped to attention they opened the door but nothing happened there was only a dark main room in front we walked inside and it was pitch black nobody could see even I had a hard time seeing so I ignited a flame over my sword to give light.
We checked each room in the house but found nothing"Where is it, isn't this the place? "
" It is but where are they hiding?" while the girls talked I made another round through the house when I noticed the wooden beams of the house I raised my sword to check.
" Whe-"I spotted something move in the corner and spotted the demon" Gu-"before I could shout he moved bringing his blade over his head, I reacted swiftly blocking his attack and pushing him away from me" Over here!!!" I shouted as the girls came rushing in to help, the demon wasn't that different still retaining a human form with dark hair the only noticeable fact was that his left eye was missing.
" Argh they don't learn, they don't learn... "he started rambling to himself before unleashing a wave of fire at us.
We all pushed apart dodging the attack as it scorched the ground were we stood "We need to deal with this quickly" I told them charging at him and slashing him across the chest, he stumbled back as Mikasa ran behind him and tried cutting his head off only for him to counter force her to retreat, Jirou threw her Kusarigama but he caught the chain before he could pull the chain and her I grabbed ahold of her. "Let go!!" I told her as I grabbed the chain and ignited it as she let go it flung itself at the demon burning him.
"Grr you're gonna burn!!" He shouted stabbing his sword into the ground.
"Shit time to run now!!!" We all started running out the room when it exploded in a fiery explosion blowing us all back "Argh fuck" I said outloud holding my leg as it got hit in the explosion by a flying piece of wood embedding itself in, "Blue can y... " As I tried to ask a saw a figure emerging from the smoke "Blue, Blue now fix my leg, Blue!!" I get calling on Blue or anyone as the demon shambled towards me, reaching for me with his outstretched hand.
I ripped the piece of wood out and tried standing using my sword to balance myself "Arghrgh..."
"Touch me and I'll fucking kill you got it" I said pulling out my tanto it was then he fell to his knees and pointed his sword at himself "Huh?" he then rammed the blade through his chest until it came out the back leaking blood over the blade and onto the ground.
"(Y/n)!!!" I heard someone say, I wiped my head around to see the girls "Shit your leg"
"Don't worry Blue will deal with it" I told them
"What happened to him?" Jirou asked referering to the demon who was left unmoving it looked like he was dead with his arms limp at his sides as blood continued leaking out the wound.
"I don't know he stabbed himself... Maybe he gain some control of himself and ended his life"

No pov
"Weird" Mikasa said helping you too stand the second you moved the demon started twitching.
"Seriously!!!" he convulsed springing to life grabbing his sword both Shinobu and Jirou charged at him but before they could deal a blow he ripped the sword out unleashing an explosion of blood around him pushing them back, he stood straight unfaced as his blade was not coated with blood turning it red as some blood floated around it.
He turned to look at us this aura surrounding him was completely different only killing intent left as he prepared to attack but instead of charging forward he slashed the air confusing you until what looked like an arc of blood sped toward you both before Mikasa could realise you pulled her out the way as the blood arc cut the furniture behind you cleanly in half, you looked at him not seeing any change in demeanour and picked yourself up as fast as you could with your leg now healed he used your tanto to throw a wind blade at the demon and then closed the gap clashing blades with the demon it was clear you weren't going to win so you backed off the demon didn't let you retreat slasling the air which would've missed if the blood didn't suddenly grow longer and solidify lashing against your blade pushing you back, it was getting harder to keep blocking it strike sending vibrations through the your sword weakening it.
'I can't keep this up my sowrd will break' you realised, you grabbed my tanto and shoved it through his stomach "Flame release!!" you shouted as the flame erupted blowing a hole through his stomach and pushed him off as he stood there unmoving as he reached to touch the hole where his stomach was 'His body hasn't healed this whole time not even from the fire damage' you realised "We can't waste the opportunity guys!!" you shouted to them as they stood behind you, you all dashed for the demon Jirou first cut of his arms making him drop his sword as you stabbed straight through his chest holding him in place when Shinobu stabbed him in the head injecting her poison leaving Mikasa to decapitate him for good measure.
You all stood back out of breath as the body finally collapsed onto the ground still on high alert you all sat down in relief.
"Is it dead now?" Jirou asked no one in particular.
You were almost going to say yes because he was headless but remembered back to the spider demon in the forest but you're worries were unwarranted as the body began to disappear "Yep it's over" you breathed out a sigh of relief.

(Y/n) pov
Blue came out to heal everyone's wounds and we all relaxed as everyone waited I stood up and walked over to where the demon layed and saw the katana and sheath he left behind I  picked it up and studied it over before putting it back in its sheath I  said a small prayer for the demon when I noticed I could see my breath in fact now thst I realise it the room felt colder as the flames disappeared completely "Hey does it feel colder to you?" I asked them as they all noticed aswell in fact it felt freezing even if I  wasn't shaking from the cold.
It was then I heard heavy footstep's coming form the dark corner of the room along with heavy and labored breathing, we all stood on guard watching as something walked in the shadow's, my mind was going wild with possibilities imagining what could cause those loud steps as it got slowly closer.
"I wasn't expecting you.... The apprentice sends her own in her stead" a voice said cold and distant it sounded nothing like a human.
"Show yourself you don't scare us!!" I shouted pointing my blade as the figure slowly emerged showing a towering figure clad in black heavy armour looking down at us.
"Then you will die braver than most" the figure said drawing their crimson blade preparing for battle.

End----------A originally wanted my own image used for this, so I asked a friend sadly his digital drawing isn't the best yet so I used this image instead

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A originally wanted my own image used for this, so I asked a friend sadly his digital drawing isn't the best yet so I used this image instead.
But this one is cool still

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