Chapter 18

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I'm going to kill them, I think. I don't care what Axel, Jonah, or Wyatt try to do. I will kill them.

The car drives up to the house, parking next to the black car. Before we come to a stop, I jump out, leaving the door open, running up to the house.

They don't deserve to live. I'm going to cut their throats out and shove them up their nostrils.

I burst through the door and rush into the room without stopping to figure out where I should go first. I'm forced to stop when the man I assumed to be Nathan, walks out of a room off to the side and stops in front of me when he sees me.

I can only see resemblance to Chris in the intense hazel eyes, prominent jaw, and the tall stance. But that's it. Nathan has short brown hair that only covers the top of his ears. Short stubble covers his square face. He has a thin build with pale skin and average defined muscles. I would guess he stands at six foot even, and Chris is definitely taller.

We stare at each other, my body filling with white-hot rage.

"And who are you?" he asks, standing taller.

I don't give him an answer. Instead, I stomp towards him, quickly closing the distance that stands between us.

Before I can reach him, Chris flies out of the same room and gets to me first. A knife hits my neck, and he yanks my arm behind my back hard. My heart flutters with panic.

"This," Chris says, pushing the knife up under my chin, forcing me to lift my head, "is the brother."

"Oh," Nathan says, arching his brow. "I thought you said you-." He does his best to keep his voice calm and strong, but he can't help the slight shake at the end revealing his nerves. I notice the red smears on the front of his light blue shirt and the dark stains on the long sleeves, but I can't see any sign of injury. Not even a strained expression or a strange stance, proving a hidden injury.

So, who's blood is it? And where is Misty?

The room tilts and sways, and if Chris weren't holding me up, I'm sure I'd be on the floor.

Chris cuts him off. "Yeah. I know what I said." He speak to me over my shoulder. "I don't understand how you survived that car roll. But, welcome to the party nonetheless."

At that moment, Axel and Jonah run through the door, their footsteps stopping as they near the doorway.

Chris turns to the side to look at them, allowing me to see them from the corner of my eye. They stand in the doorway, their eyes wide.

"Ahh, there's the other one," Chris says, loud and excited, "and he's brought another friend."

My stomach twists into a tight knot.

"Please," he says, pushing the knife further against my throat. "Come in. The more the merrier."

They make no indication of moving.

"I said," he growls, "come in."

They follow his orders, taking slow steps inside.

"Stand against that wall."

A moment later, I see Jonah and Axel shuffle against the wall in front of me.

"Is this really a good idea, Chris?" Nathan asks in a quiet voice.

"You started this!" Chris's booming voice next to my head makes my ear ring. "I'm just cleaning up your mess."

"This isn't what I wanted," he replies, quieter than before.

"But it's what you've gotten." The knife moves away from my neck for just a second while he gestures to the room they both came out of. "Get in there." As quick as it's removed from my throat, it returns, leaving no time to react in anyway.

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