Chapter 25

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The conversation ends, and moments later I spot their car in the distance, standing out from the shadows only by the white headlights that reflect the moon's light.

I'm able to see the outline of the car as a light appears behind it. Two bright headlights shine over the hill and stop behind it.

I only spot Axel and Jonah's figures as they run towards us, stepping in the way of the headlights.

Spotting us, they both slow, stop, then run again. Unsure as to whether they should stop or not.

"Get in the car!" Wyatt screams at them, and with that they turn and run back to the car.

Axel and Jonah stop as they pull open the car doors, looking back at Wyatt, Nathan, and I.

"What's going on?" Axel screams over the car door.

"Get in the car!" I shout back.

They don't listen. They stare at me; watching me limping, struggling to run, screwing up my face from the pain that stabs into my ankle.

"What about him?!" Jonah shouts, gesturing to Nathan.

"Don't worry about me," Nathan cries out. "Just get out of here."

Adrenaline pumps through my veins, kick-starting my heart, and making my head spin the closer I get to the car.

I can't run fast enough. The car seems so far away. I want to get in, slam the door shut and drive away as soon as I can. Then, I remember the reason I'm out here in the first place.

I pull to a stop. My ankle screams at me as though it's about to snap. Whipping around, Nathan has to dig his heels into the ground to stop from crashing into me. "What about my sister?" I ask. "Where is she?"

He blinks at me, processing my words, before he stutters out his answer. "I—uh—I don't know."

"What do you mean, you don't know?" I say, taking a step closer to be as intimidating as possible. It doesn't work too well with my scrunched up face and the groan at the end of my words.

"She ran off and hid," he tells me. "I don't know where she is."


"Mate," Axel says, catching my attention, "Get in the car."

"No," I say, looking back at Nathan. "I'm not leaving her here."

He holds his hands up. "I don't know where-" he begins.

Axel cuts him off, raising his voice and speaking as if he's talking to a young child that won't do as they're told. "Get in the car, Dorian."

"No," I reply, without bothering to look back. "Dead or alive. I'm taking her."

Before Nathan can reply, Axel shouts, "Dorian!"

Hesitant to break eye contact with Nathan, I turn to face him when Nathan refuses to say anything.

He gives me a sharp stare and says, "Get. In. The. Car."

I can hear the desperation in his voice, something telling me there's more to what he's saying. Trusting my friend, I back away. I hope whatever plan he has, it works.

I turn and walk towards the car. Axel and Jonah watch me from behind the open car doors, and Wyatt waits a moment to make I'm not going to change my mind before he also turns and walks the rest of the way.

As Wyatt reaches the front of the car, Jonah jumps to the side, out from in front of the door, and gestures to Nathan still standing where I left him behind me. "Hurry!"

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