Chapter 11

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There's no way I could walk back. It would take me all night to get to the outside of town. I'll have to find another way back.

I'd rather die than call Mum to ask her to pick me up, so that option is is out.

I could call a taxi, but I wouldn't know how to give them my location to find me.

My friends! They can all drive and I'm sure they wouldn't mind giving me a lift.

I scramble back into my car, earning a few more cuts, scrapes, and scratches. My phone sits among the mess and it doesn't take me long to find it.

The once intact screen has been blessed with a large staggering crack from the top left corner heading down toward the bottom right corner. Tiny pieces of glass fall out from the spiderweb shatter in the top corner. I'll have to remember that when I put the phone to my ear.

Thankfully, the screen still turns on and the phone proves to be usable.

On the way out, I spot my grey beanie lying on the roof of the car. I hadn't even realised I wasn't wearing it anymore. I grab it as well as I push myself back out.

Before I can get back out of the car, I already have my phone open and my contacts up. I search for my friends' names and click on the first one that comes up, holding the phone up to my ear.

While it rings, I stretch out my arms, pull my long sleeves back, and check for injuries. From what I can see, there's nothing too serious, just a lot of scratches and small cuts. I'm sure tomorrow I'll also be littered with several bruises.

As I lift up my shirt to check for any serious bleeding under there, the ringing stops and a second later I hear Axel's voice through the phone. "Hey mate," he answers cheerfully. "You still coming to Jonah's house soon? Or are you on your way now?"

Before I can give him an answer, he continues talking. "Wyatt just got here," he tells me as I search my torso, spotting a few spots of blood on my white singlet tee. "I bought some snacks after the game, but you better get here fast if you want some, because Jonah keeps eating them all."

I find a cut situated just above the band of my black sweatpants on my left side.

In the background, I hear Jonah reply. "They're here to eat, so I will."

"Leave some for everyone else," Axel scolds with his smile showing through his voice.

"Nah," Jonah says, sounding like he has a mouth full of food. "Everyone else can starve."

Laughter follows, and in other circumstances, I would join in but I can't right now.

Holding the end of my shirt in my hand, I use my fingers on the same hand to reach down to the cut to check the seriousness of it.

"So, you coming?" Axel asks, "What happened with your mum?"

With my pointer and middle finger, I to pull the skin above the cut up to see how deep it is. Blood pours out and a sharp sting erupts from it. Gritting my teeth and letting go, I groan.

Axel hears it and loses his cheerful tone. "You right, mate?"

Taking a deep breath, I ignore his question and say, "I need you to come get me."

"What happened?" I've never heard him talk with a tone as deadly serious as this.

"My car rolled," I tell him, pulling my shirt down. I'm glad the cut isn't that deep, but it still hurts like hell.

"Shit!" Axel shouts, and the distant conversation between Jonah and Wyatt goes silent. "You okay?"

"Yeah," I lie. "I'm fine. Can you pick me up?"

"Yeah, of course." The ruffling sounds let me know he's already on the move. "I'm on my way right now."

"What happened," someone says in the background. I can't tell right away if it's Jonah or Wyatt, and I can't be bothered to think about it and figure it out.

"Dorian rolled his car," Axel explains, his voice further away from the phone than before.

"Shit!" they both say, almost in unison.

More ruffling about fills the speaker, and amongst it, I catch Axel's frantic words. "Where are my keys?"

After I listen to a couple more seconds of the sound of movement, I hear one of them shout, "They're here!" I hear the sound of keys jingling.

"Get in the car now!" orders Axel. "Lets go!"

The ruffling sound returns and I use the time to run my hands up and down my legs, searching for injuries hidden under my pants. I find several places that hurt, but nothing too bad. I'm sure it's just bruises.

The sound of a car door slamming shut and the engine roaring to life catches my attention. A moment later, the ruffling stops and Axel speaks. "You still there, Dorian?"

"Yeah," I reply.

"We're coming now," he tells me. "Where are you?"

"I don't know."

"Okay, send your location to Wyatt's or Jonah's phone." As I pull the phone away from my ear, he speaks again and I push it back against the side of my face. "But stay on the phone with me."

"Alright," I say. "One sec."

I find maps on my phone and get my location. I press the "share my location" button and send my location to Jonah's phone, and place the phone back on the side of my face while it sends.  

"Okay," I say, letting them know it's on the way.

It doesn't take long for Jonah to announce, "Got it!" There's a second of silence, where I imagine Jonah is pulling up the information I gave him, then quietly he says, "What are you doing there?"

I don't get a chance to give him an answer when Wyatt pipes up and asks, "So, what happened?"

I decide not to beat around the bush with it and just tell them straight. "Misty was kidnapped."

Without hesitation, all three of them say, "What?!"

I begin to explain everything while I walk away from my car, heading in the direction I saw Chris drive off towards.



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