Chapter 12

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As I drag my feet down the dirt road, I notice the setting sun, and I hope the boys make it to me before I'm left in the dark.

"Alright, mate," says Axel. "We're five minutes away."

"Okay," I reply.

Realising I'm still walking and I've walked quiet far, I stop, standing in the middle of the road.

"You still doing alright?" he asks me.

"Yeah, I'm good." No, I'm not. My head throbs and every part of me aches. I turn and look back the way I came.

"Are you badly injured?"

"No, I'm fine. Just a few bumps and bruises."

At that exact moment, I notice a tickling sensation trailing down my right cheek, and when I reach up to see what it is, my fingers come in contact with something wet. I pull them away and stare at the red liquid coating the end of my fingers. My hand follows the trail up my face until it hits a spot on my hairline and I flinch away, groaning into the phone at the sudden pain.

"Somehow, I don't believe you," Axel says.

Wyatt, who sounds the furthest away, asks, "Should we call you an ambulance?"

"No," I reply. "I'm fine." I place my fingers back on the wound on my head. "Just get here." I wince at contact, but I don't pull away. My fingers feel around at the lump on my head that stands out like an elephant in a tree. There's no missing it.

"We're coming," says Jonah. "But we can't put your bones back together."

"I don't need you to," I tell him. "I'm fine."

The lump feels massive. I run my fingers around it.

"How many times are you going to tell us you're fine when you're clearly not?" Axel asks and I hear one chuckle from the background, and I assume it's Jonah.

"As many times..." I stupidly push down on the lump with my finger tips, and a strong pain shoots through my skull, forcing a groan out of me. " it takes," I continue, leaving the lump alone, "for me to believe it."

Not wanting to be on my feet any longer, I squat down to sit on the ground, groaning the entire way down.

"We're almost there, mate. Just hold on."

"I'm not dying," I say, although it certainly feels like it.

"You sound like you are," Jonah says.

Putting my head in my free hand and leaning my elbow onto my bent knees, I reply, "I'm fine."

Jonah gives me one short laugh but when he talks, his voice holds no joy. "Alright, buddy."

A silence fills the line. While I wait, I put the phone call on speaker and sit my phone on the ground. Slowly, I lower myself back until the rocks on the road dig into my back. I stare up at the darkening sky, watching the few clouds float across, and the several birds that soar above me.

I close my eyes, wanting the ache to stop but I know I won't be able to relax with the rocks in my back.

Their quiet voices come through the phone again. "It says he should be here somewhere."

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