Chapter 6

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THANKYOU Jessica8295 for voting, it means so much to me.


It's been a week since I first met Fortis, and I haven't laughed this much for 500 years, well really I haven't laughed at all in 500 years. We were sharing what was going to be our last time seeing each other for a while when I spotted another male staring at me. I walked over to the guy when I recognized him.

"What are you staring at Dex? Am I just too beautiful for you to take your eyes off me?" He huffed a laugh.

"No, I'm just wondering what you're doing over there with another male, when you're betrothed. But I should admit you do look beautiful in that dress." It was true this time I was wearing a pale gold dress that was tight-fitting. It was also true that I was to be married in two months.

"I don't see why it's any of your business Dex, see in just a few days, I won't see you ever again." I looked up at the High Lord Rhysand, he was looking at me confusedly covered by a mask of cool indifference. 'He must not know why Eris is here, or he's just really stupid.' I dropped my mental shields for just a moment, baiting him in. He entered my mind, and I screamed stupid before pushing him out and locking myself up again. I looked once more, and he had a screen of surprise over his face. When I walked back to Fortis I saw the smirk on his face.

"Don't tell me," he said in that voice that told me he wanted to know.

"I screamed stupid at him." I smiled at that, just to know that the high lord can be baited made me happy. "I baited him in."

"Why am I surprised, you did the same thing to the HIgh Lady two weeks ago," I smirked at that knowing we were thinking the same thing. 'I'm the strongest in the world when it comes to anything with my mind. Woozy, I leaned back until the world grew fuzzy. I fainted hearing the words, 'Help me, she's back!'



When she fainted I could tell she was about to say something. Then the High Lord came over. Morrigan ushered out everyone except me, her father, and Eris.

"What happened," Eris yelled. He was worried, well I couldn't blame him, his bride just passed out in the middle of a party.

"I don't know, one moment we were talking, laughing, the next she was falling muttering under her breath. I think she was asking for help." No one commented after that, all of us taking in what happened.

"So what do we need to do?" asked Kier.

"She'll stay here for a few more days," Eris replied, nodding at the High Lord of the Night Court, "Then I'll take her to the Autumn Court." 'Something is going on.' I lifted her off the floor and started back to her bedroom.

"I'm gonna take her back to her bedroom," I said heading down the stairs. When I got to her bedroom I laid her on the sheets and pulled up some blankets. I started the fire and saw the beauty in her face. I hadn't let myself think about it until now, but she was so beautiful. Her beauty outshone that of anyone I'd ever seen. Her laugh was like the ringing of bells on solstice morning. In every dress, I picked her to look more beautiful than I could imagine. She might want me to hide her white bits of hair, but I thought they made her face glow. I tuck a piece of hair behind her ear to admire her face more. I wish I could stay here, but I have to go speak to everyone else.

*Insert something a good writer would say* 

Aaanyway, thanks for reading

 - jean.

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