•3• Odd morning

943 31 10

Art by Binnam0goh (deactivated)
A whole 3 months I know 😅 so sorry guys, read ending note if you want my quick excuse but otherwise-

Enjoy the shit!

It was odd. Waking up in a house so familiar, yet something was obviously missing. It was a feeling or presence that (Y/n) couldn't put his finger on. This morning the day looked pretty welcoming through the blinds, the rain storm had stopped and the sky was clear.
Although with a good nights sleep (Y/n) still felt sore and achy from basically being left in an alley way for lord knows what reason. It was a feeling that made you feel like never leaving your bed and just being in your own world.
Although it's seems this wouldn't work out by the sound of arguing coming from the kitchen.
"TOM!! It'll be a quick trip! Just go back and get some milk!" A pleading and sad Matt whined at his housemate, with the events of yesterday the household didn't have most of their groceries. Tom backed away from Matt who was a bit too close to him "I already went yesterday and I am NOT going back, get Edd!" It was too early for him to be up and Matt's prying didn't help but make him angrier.
Considering how much Tom had to deal with yesterday it was understandable that he felt this way.

(Y/n) peeked his (e/c) eyes over the sofa to look at the two friends, Matt continued to beg Tom to walk the couple blocks it takes to get to the store so that he could get some groceries he left behind. Tom kept his arms crossed and saying 'no' repeatedly.

It was an odd thing to say, but (Y/n) missed seeing this kind of bickering, it made him laugh seeing the friends he knew since high school still act the same together after all these years. Just as Tom put his hand up to Matt's shoulder to push him away from getting any closer to his face, Edd walked in still wearing his pajamas, rubbing sleep from his eyes and being immediately unamused at what he saw "Guys its 9AM, can you please not do this?" Tom looked to Edd, frustrated "He started it." Matt got angry "No, Tom did when he left behind the milk and frosted flakes!" "Uh I didn't really have a choice!" Obvious sarcasm went over his voice. The two arguing adults lightly pointed fingers at each other while (Y/n) watched and Edd separated them "Alright you two this is the shallowest bickering I've seen, I'll run to the store if you two stop it, okay?" He looked at both of them equally, Matt and Tom looked at each other angrily then to Edd, in unison they replied "Okay." "Fine."

Edd sighed "Great, its settled." He then looked towards the living room to see a pair of eyes and messy hair looking at the three of them, an obvious smile over (Y/n's) face shown. Edd then took a few steps forward "Good morning! How are you feeling?" He asked, Tom and Matt also looked at (Y/n), waiting for his response.
After that whole grocery affair, (Y/n) didn't notice any pain in his body, but after being asked, he still felt soreness and body aches. His headache was almost subsided though "I could be better but I'm fine." He reassured them all. Matt and Edd smiled, but upon hearing he was 'fine' Tom seemed to take that as a que to go off and make himself some coffee. Edd leaned into the back of the couch and looked down to (Y/n) who sat criss-crossed "Good, while I'm gone you can watch these two for me." He laughed lightly, the (h/c) smiled "Yeah for sure."

With this, Edd's smile seemed to fade a little, he looked behind him towards the kitchen; Matt and Tom both stood in it, Tom sleepily watching the coffee machine slowly pour hot black water into a large cup and Matt rummaging through all of the cupboards again just to check for any breakfast of any kind. The brunette sighed then looked to (Y/n), concerned "You sure your alright?" he whispered. (Y/n) was a little confused but reassured him "I'm fine Edd, I swear." His friends brown eyes looked at the bandages and small scrapes on his body "I just want to be sure, if you broke anything or if we should tell authorities, I just don't know.." he trailed off and before (Y/n) could respond he tried to speak even quieter "Do you actually not remember Tord at all?" He asked. The more the three boys asked this question the more (Y/n) knew something awful had to have happened, although he tried not to let too many thoughts corrupt rational ones. "N-No, I don't... I barley remember living here." He said sadly. The most memories he could recall was the four of them all back in high school.

Edd rubbed the back of his head "That's the most worrisome part, I know you say you don't remember, but he really loved you (Y/n)... I know he couldn't hurt you, I just know... I-I tried to call him last night with the number he left, but I never got an answer-" Just then a deeper voice came from behind Edd "Then maybe you didn't know him well enough." Tom spoke bluntly and held a cup of steaming coffee in his hand. Edd quickly turned his head, a bit startled. Tom took a sip and watched Edd grow defensive again "Tom. We can't just accuse our friend of doing this." "Your friend, Edd." He gave a sarcastic angry smirk that quickly dropped.

Although the rain storm of last night subsided, the silence was so deafeningly loud that everyone wished it would come back.

(Y/n) couldn't believe he was about to see this argument again, so he tried to distill it " H-Hey can we not worry about this right now?" (Y/n) lifted his body to his knees to be eye level with the two arguing. His statement in honesty was not understandable in the slightest. This situation all of them were in was the only thing they should all be focusing on, it was dire, however (Y/n) couldn't remember anything. As he had his thoughts they were so gapped and hard to imagine, it hurt him to think. He was aching, frustrated and exhausted, the thing he most wanted was to see his old friends.
He looked at Edd and Tom who both had the same look of confusion on their faces, he fixed his sentence "I mean, I'm just not up for talking about this right now...tired, you know?" He asked.

The room went quiet to hear him speak, Tom sighed and was about to say something but Edd beat him to it "If your too tired then that's fine," he smiled "I guess we'll settle it later. Do we need anything besides milk and cereal from the store?" He turned to Tom who quickly looked away, then to Matt who was sitting at the counter the whole time trying not to be too bothered by the tension in the other room. The ginger looked and thought for a second "Uh, I think about half of what was on the list?"
Tom scoffed and took a long drink from his coffee mug. Edd walked to the door and slipped on his regular grey shoes "Of course, I'll be back then."

As he left the house became awkwardly quiet again. The three who were left just watched the door close. Until Tom turned and walked to the hallway, (Y/n) saw this and asked "Are you really going back to your room?" He asked a bit sad but also pressed that Tom still seemed to have a bit of teenager left in him to just leave like that. "Yup." He responded bluntly.
Matt and (Y/n) looked at each other in awe, Matt just shrugged at his behavior.

Words 1364
Alright y'all I'm so fucking sorry I left you for literally almost 4 months. I randomly had a lot to deal with, I moved in with my dad, I'll be starting physical school soon, COVID is still a thing so we're dealing with that, so I haven't had time to focus on writing ;-; sorry again. The move alone was rough but I'm planning to come back and update once a month again! If I don't keep that promise you are allowed to spam me UwU

Between the Red and Blue (Tom x Male!Reader x Tord)Where stories live. Discover now