•4• Sad Nostalgia

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I was scared you guys would be angry about my absence but you guys are so nice ^^ thank you all so much!

Enjoy the shit!

With Tom moping in his room, (Y/n) and Matt were left in the living room while Edd was out to get the groceries. Matt approached they're house guest with a cup of water and a smile, he then said he was going to start his usual morning routine, so (Y/n) would have to be alone for a bit. Suddenly going from a loud arguing house to being alone in a room was a contrast but maybe the silence would do some good for (Y/n) "I don't mind." Matt then cheerfully said "Okay!" He walked to his room just as Tom had, but less pissed off. As (Y/n) watched another one of his friends leave he felt a wave of relaxation fall over him. He loved seeing his old friends and being around them, although the elephant in the room of who hurt him prevented any of them to be completely content. With the tension of what happened yesterday all of them were on edge.

This was now the only moment (Y/n) could have to himself without being stressed about it. He breathed in and out, like a restart to his lungs and mind he fell back onto the couch. When he hit the couch the façade of being 'fine' rushed down his back, muscles ached, neck strained on his left side, arms sore from struggling on the wet pavement and the bandaged wounds, swollen. All these feelings were his body trying to repair itself, that was the biggest sign that whatever happened wasn't too long ago. He just couldn't remember, if he could only recall one memory before yesterday they could all be 'fine'. It was frustrating not knowing, he just didn't want any one to worry, but he didn't know what he didn't want them to worry about. (Y/n) hated it. Maybe now would be a good time to take a break and think to himself about things other than the now.

he closed his eyes and suddenly the silence sunk in, only soft noises from the outside were heard, even the dust in the sun beams of open windows fell slower. He thought about the weather and how it would be summer soon. He thought about how they should all go swimming or go on a road trip when this is all settled. Thoughts of hot days outside and being teenagers walking around town with nothing better to do filled his mind and caused him to smile. It felt so warm to see all his friends young, lively and smiling. Although it was like a fog went over a few memories, certain days he remembered so well had gaps. It was like going over a movie in his head only to be blurred out and chopped up randomly. Confused about this he just focused on times with Matt, Edd and Tom. Since they were all good friends in high school he smiled to himself about the times of being stupid and young. He thought about how Edd's hair was always in his eyes, he'd constantly move it slightly and blow on it so he could see, they all teased him since his vision wasn't the best already anyway. How Matt was more reserved, always paying attention to the way he looked and not the board, Edd was nice enough to let him copy his work but only if hed buy him a cola after school. Tom acted odd to (y/n) he remebered they got along well and had great times, but he would think about when he'd see Tom's expression change from happy to distant in a second.

High school.

senior year, a month before summer break.

A small group of four friends who were never popular but didn't care. They all would hang out and keep each other company from the anxious world of high school. Edd, Tom, Matt and (Y/n) would all stay in the parking lot after school ended, they'd wait for each other at the fence they claimed as 'The spot' so together they'd walk home. Matt was taking his glasses on and off, looking into a mirror and sighing "Dont I look better without them?" he asked his friends. Tom scoffed at him "eh, You look stupid either way." (Y/n) lightly bursted into laughter, he tried to cover it as to not hurt Matt's feelings. Edd almost laughed too "I dont think it Matt-ers Matt, you need them to see." Matt pouted at them all, then looked to Edd "Like YOU can see under that mess you call hair." he stuck his nose up, Tom and (Y/n) snickered a bit, Edd pushed some hair away from his eyes and said under his breath "Its not that messy."
(Y/n) put a hand on Edd's shoulder to console him "Don't worry, both of you look horrible."
He grinned wide at the two, Edd brushed his hand off now feeling betrayed.
Matt frowned. Tom still laughed as he wasn't the target to the playful insults, (Y/n) noticed this and nudged him slightly "Don't laugh too much Tom, your weakness shows." Tom immediately closed his mouth and scowled at him, Edd now laughed "Ha! Brace face." He pointed at Tom who's face looked red and covered his mouth with his fist to not show his light blue braces "Shut up Edd.." he threatened. Matt chuckled a bit since he wasn't the target anymore. (Y/n) felt bad for teasing them all so much "Sorry Tom." He laughed. Tom, still mad, glared "Your still short."
Edd and Matt were now the ones trying not to hurt their friends feeling by laughing and admitting the truth that (Y/n) was the shortest  out of their friend group. He was taller than Tom at one point, but as soon as eight grade ended, that all went away.
(Y/n) was embarrassed, being the shortest among your friends wasn't exactly something you can fix with braces, contacts or a hair cut. The (h/c) grew defensive pretty quick with a red tint over his cheeks "That was not needed, I hope you chew on some gum!" "So are you done growing or?" Tom smiled. (Y/n) was in a state of embarrassed laughter as Matt and Edd watched.

He couldn't recall what happened after, but he did know that teasing like that was always something Tom and him could go deep into and not accidentally hurt one another.

(Y/n) looked to the ceiling, he would have played that memory in his mind over and over for a laugh but, like normal issues, you can't ignore them. He heard a bird outside call for its friends and said to himself "I don't remember leaving the parking lot that day, why?" It was such an odd detail that he should have remembered. He doesn't even know why they stayed there.
Normally as soon as the whole group was at 'The Spot' they'd all walk home together.

Words 1188
I updated early haha >:)
I thought it would be nice to not have you guys wait since you already did for so long, this chapter is a little shorter but I hope you liked it. It's probably my favorite chapter so far!

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