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"If I were you I'd put that phone down and eat before the food gets cold." Mrs Kahale warned.

Malakia scrambled to put her phone in her hoodie pocket.

"And while you're at it wipe that grin off your face."

Suddenly all attention was on her at the dinner table.

It's been a week since Skip's apology and exactly a week since they started seeing each other. She has been happy the past week and on her phone a lot.

Skip is currently in Cuba on a promotional trip. A promotional trip that Kia knew nothing about. He just told her "I'm going to tie up some loose ends.". He tries to call and video call Malakia as much as he can but they both know it's not enough.

She looked to the other end of the table where her dad was situated and she knew by look on his face that it was coming, "Who is the boy?"

"Dad! There's no one. I was just talking to Yasmin."

Mr. Kahale squinted his eyes at her but nodded.

Everybody went back to what they were doing but Jacob, he just stared at her and mouth "Liar." which resulted in Vee elbowing his side.


Reality had hit when Malakia overheard her parents talking about going back. In exactly three days she'd be on the plane back to Florida.

She was now sour, her mood had suddenly changed when Florida popped up more in conversations around the house. She was currently laying on the couch alone.

"Wanna go out for a few drinks? Just me, you, Vee and Aaliyah." Jacob asked throwing himself on top of Kia.

Malakia struggled with pushing Jacob off of her but she succeeded by pulling on his curls.

"Ow!" Jacob commented from the floor.

He pouted at her, "Please! You need to come. This is gonna be your last night's out in Jamaica."


Jacob jumped to his feet and ran upstairs.

"Dummy." Malakia said closing her eyes.

"Hey kiddo! Can I talk to you?"

Can a girl just get sad in peace! Malakia thought sitting up.

"Sure dad."

Mr. Kahale sat across her and smiled, "I'm really grateful that you tried to have fun. Your mom and I saw how you tried to fix your bond with your cousins and we're happy and so proud of you."

"I did have fun, and now I don't think I wanna leave anymore." Malakia said with puppy eyes.

"Ah no, don't give me that look. We have to go, you have school and your mother and I have missed a week of work."

"But dad-"

"No honey, if I don't go back that firm is gonna be flat when I decide to go back."

"That's fine I can just-"

"Have good clean fun tonight. Your brother spoke to me about it. I love you."

Malakia sighed watching her dad jog up the stairs, "I love you too dad."

"It was worth a shot."


Aaliyah isn't that bad Malakia had concluded after the short conversation she had with her.

In a loud and dim club.

It was a club suggested by Aaliyah, very far in the outskirts of Negril.

Malakia's phone buzzed.


Wish Skip a Happy Birthday😍❤️

4/06/2020 00:00

She got sober in a moment.

"Are you okay? Aaliyah asked immediately when Kia stopped hollering at Vee who was dancing on the table.

"It's Skip's birthday! I forgot."

"Relax, I also forgot. Let's go outside and video call him. It's not a train smash."

The view was beautiful, you could see the city a distance away, the lights were almost unreal. Behind them the club boomed.

Malakia clicked on the call button and waited for Skip to answer.


As much as Malakia wanted to swoon over his "just woke up" state and say something dirty about the way his voice sounds when he just woke up she decided against it.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Skipa. Happy birthday to you."

Kia and Aaliyah sang together and Skip hid his smile with a pillow.

"Happy birthday Skip! I love you." Aaliyah exclaimed waving and running back into the club.

"Happy birthday baby." Malakia said kissing the camera.

"Thank you! Babe this is a surprise. I thought I'm gonna wake up to a text or something. Where are you?"

"At a club with the lot. This is my 3rd last day in Jamaica so I'm trying to have fun before going back to my old and boring life."

"I was thinking about it, and I think you'll be glad to know I'm gonna be back before lunch today."

Malakia grinned and let out a squeal.

"Yes! I miss you so much."

"I miss you too Empress. Go have fun, I'll see you later."


The screen turned black and Kia stared at it with a silly smile.

She let out a sigh and walked back into the loud club.

Make Me Feel || Skip Marley (Completed) [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]Where stories live. Discover now