Surprise Sequel

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*P.S this sequel has not yet been edited.

As the late afternoon sun cast its warm glow, Skip skillfully parked their family car near the psychiatric clinic. The gentle melodies emanating from the car's speakers created a serene ambiance. In the backseat, their vibrant 5-year-old son, Kai, bubbled with energy, ready to share tales from his recent stay at Grandma Cedella's.

"Hey, Kai, ready to pick up Mommy? Did Grandma show you her garden?"

Kai jumped in his care seat in excitement, "Daddy, it was like a real-life jungle! Flowers everywhere, and I watered them just like Grandma. Oh oh oh, and Luna, the fluffy cat, meowed at me!"

Skip chuckled, pride shimmering in his eyes. The duo entered the clinic, where Malakia's office exuded a professional calm, a stark contrast to the animated energy of their little explorer.

Malakia looked up from her laptop with a grin, "My favorite duo! Kai, did you have a blast with Grandma?" She asked walking from behind her desk to cradle her son in her arms and kiss her husband on the cheek

"Mommy, guess what? I drew you a picture! Grandma said it's the bestest picture ever!" Kai exclaimed waving the almost crumbled up paper in the the air.

Malakia laughed placing Kai on her office desk before straightening out the paper "Wow,Kai. You're quite the artist, just like your Grandma." Malakia said kissing Kai's cheek.

Kai proudly handed over his colorful masterpiece, a vivid display of a 5-year-old's imagination. Skip peered at the drawing over Malakia's shoulder.

"Our little Picasso is making waves. What else did you and Grandma get up to, Kai?" Skip asked watching as the little boy's eyes lit up like he has been waiting to tell them all about his day at his grandmother's house.

Kai nodded eagerly, "Daddy, Grandma taught me a new song! It goes like this..." Kai attempted to hum, his tiny voice carrying infectious enthusiasm.

Skip: "That sounds awesome! We'll have a sing-along at home. What do you think, Mom?" Skip teased as Malakia packed her laptop and important papers in her bag getting ready to leave.

Exiting the clinic, the car transformed into a symphony of Kai's animated tales, shared laughter, and the soothing hum of the engine. Skip decided to steer towards a local spot for a leisurely dinner, it was their favourite restaurant called Parfitt.

"Daddy, can we get ice cream? Grandma always lets me have double chocolate!" Kai asked innocently catching the attention of a waitress who cooed at the him with a smile as Skip placed their takeaway orders.

The car journey continued with Kai's continuous chatter, his innocent queries, and the delightful chaos only a 5-year-old could bring.

"Mommy, when we get home, can we play with my toys? And can Daddy do his funny dance again?"

"Absolutely, sweetheart! Daddy's funny dance is a family classic at this point." Malakia laughed looking over at Skip who laughed and shook his head at his wife's attempt to remind him of his embarrassing choreography.

Laughter reverberated through the car as Skip promised an encore of his renowned "funny dance" at home. The sun dipped lower, casting a golden hue over the trio, driving back to a haven ready for a simple yet beautiful evening filled with love, laughter, and the authentic rhythms of family life.

The golden hues of the evening sun cast a warm glow over the Marley backyard. Skip was crouched down, a toy truck in one hand and Kai giggling with sheer delight. Malakia stood on the porch, a serene smile playing on her lips as she watched the father-son duo. Skip decided to keep Kai busy outside while Malakia cleaned up the house after dinner.

"Vroom, vroom! Watch out, we're entering the construction zone!"

Kai erupted in laughter, his tiny hands clapping in glee. Skip glanced up, catching Malakia's eyes from the porch.

"Our little man is having a blast, isn't he?"

Malakia smiled, nodding in agreement "He sure is. You're like his personal entertainer."

As Skip continued his playful antics, Malakia's mind drifted back to the day of their engagement. She reminisced about the sweet life-changing event that Skip had orchestrated.


The beach was aglow with fairy lights, and the sound of waves provided a soothing backdrop. Yasmin, had ensured everything was in place. As Malakia approached the scene, she noticed a table adorned with candles and a guitarist playing their favorite song, Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You by Lauryn Hill.

The moonlit beach served as the canvas for their moment, waves whispering a soft melody in the background. Skip took a deep breath, holding Malakia's hands, his eyes following hers

Skip smiled looking around the empty beach, "Princess, do you remember the first time we sat on this beach together?"

Malakia nodded before bursting out laughing "How could I forget? Pregnancy hormones had me in a chokehold."

"And you wanted to break up with me, don't leave that part out," Skip said with a lighthearted chuckle.

Malakia threw her head back laughing before lightly pushing Skip away.

"Remember what I said to you that night? I promised to support you in every way possible. I promised to always provide the absolute best for you and Kai. I intend to keep that promise until the end of times."

Skip said holding Malakia's hand in his.

Skip looked down at her underneath the moonlight and smiled before continuing, "It was a moment that changed everything for me. You see, life is like a song, and you walked in, turning my melody into a symphony. From that day forward, I found a new rhythm, a new beat that resonated in my heart. And today, standing here with you, I realize that every note has led us to this."

He paused to kiss her hand,

"To a moment I've been thinking about for a long time. Malakia, you are the sunshine in my life, the melody in my song. Your laughter is the sweetest refrain, and your love is the harmony that completes my every chord."


"I need you to know, from the depths of my heart, that you've made me a better man. Your love has been the anchor in my storms, the light in my darkest hours. And today, I want to ask you something. Something that's been playing in my mind like a constant melody."

Skip took a step back, dropping to one knee. The moonlight reflected in his eyes, the waves echoing the steadiness of his heartbeat.

"Kia, will you make me the happiest man alive? Will you marry me?"

Malakia gasped, her eyes brimming with emotion, as she looked at Skip, who held a glistening ring in his hand.

"Skip... yes, a million times, yes!" Malakia's voice trembled as she crashed onto her knees hugging her soon-to-be husband tightly.

Skip's eyes lit up with joy, and he slid the ring onto her finger. The moon witnessed the beginning of a new chapter in their symphony.

Back to the Present

As Malakia watched Skip and Kai play in the backyard, she couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth in her heart. The memory of that sweet and corny proposal echoed in her mind.

"What are you smiling about over there?"

"Just thinking about how lucky I am."

She walked down the porch steps, joining them in the backyard. Skip stood up, and Malakia wrapped her arms around him.

"No, Dr. Marley. I'm the lucky one," Skip said wrapping his arms around her waist and planting kisses on her face.

He continued, "I have a sexy psychiatrist for a wife and we have a beautiful baby boy with his mother's eyes. What more could a man want?"

Malakia beamed, throwing her arms over his shoulder and connecting their lips into a sweet kiss. In that moment he was hers and she was his, and nothing else mattered.

The End.

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