18. Unveiled.

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Eunji was happy about getting her first huge contract. She knew that Lee Yoobin was no ordinary man and that he, who could buy all her paintings at the highest price, was going to pay her well for the contract. Eunji had never been hungry for money but seeing how her work brought her good pay made her ecstatic. As soon as Manager Sejin had walked out of her shop she checked her phone only to have a missed call from Yeona.

Eunji dialled Yeona back.

"Guess what happened at work today?" Eunji said.

"You listen to me first girl!" Yeona said.

Yeona sounded urgent. She sounded bewildered.

"Mwo? Anything serious?" Eunji asked a bit worried.

Eunji had been well aware of Yeona being all nervous and calling her up but it sounded different this time.

"Andwe. Nothing serious...but..."

"Wae? Mwo?"

"I got a bouquet...of white chrysanthemums..."

"Daebak! Who sent it?"

"I don't know..."


"It had a note with it. It said my secret admirer had sent it..."

"Waah! You have a secret admirer?"

"Seems so."


"Eunji you still have time."

"Eh? For what?"

"Tell me the truth. It's you who sent it, didn't you?"

"Andwe. I didn't. You think I'll pull such a prank on you?"


"What did the letter say? Tell me!" Eunji was so excited. She was squealing.

Yeona took out the note that had come with the bouquet and read it out to Eunji.

"...With love Your secret admirer. An open mouth smiley."

"Waah! That's so romantic."

"I don't know what to say Eunji. Its me we are talking about. I hardly talk with people and all of a sudden I have a secret admirer?"

"You might have left a mark on someone." Eunji giggled teasing Yeona.

"Its near to impossible Eunji and you know that."

"You have someone in mind who can do this?"

"Other than you? No. No one."


Yeona didn't say anything.

"But hasn't it been your dream to get a bouquet gifted to you while you are working in your-" Eunji was cut mid sentence.



"The diary. This...this has to be the diary person! He must have read my diary! Amd found about my dream...and my office address! What if... What if he means harm?"

"Hmm... You might be right. He can be the diary guy or its just a coincidence. It might be someone from your office who sent it?"

"I... I don't know..."

"And even if the diary guy sent the bouquet to you I have this feeling that he is harmless. Also he sent you white chrysanthemums. If he was some stalker or something he would have been desperate and sent you red roses or something but he didn't."

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