32. In the Rain pt2

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Yeona couldn't see the face of the man who was holding the umbrella above her head. She squinted her eyes and tilted her head a bit.

The man lifted the umbrella a bit, revealing his face, hidden behind a mask.

The man's eye met Yeona's and his eyes grew huge.

"Yeona?" He called out, surprised.

Yeona was shocked to hear someone say her name. She looked around and there was no one around, everything was dark, the rain pouring.

"How...how do you know...my name?" Yeona stammered.

The man kneeled down and supported himself on his legs. He looked around and then back at Yeona.

He slowing peeled off his mask, revealing his handsome face.

Yeona's eyes grew wide in shock as she gasped.


V put his hand on Yeona's mouth to stop her from shouting.

"Lets go inside my car and talk." V said, his voice husky.

He got up and helped Yeona on her feet. He guided her to his car and they got inside.

Rain water trickled down the glass window.

Rain water trickled down the glass window

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"You are fully drenched." V said noticing Yeona shivering.

Yeona looked at V unbelieving.

"Here take this coat." Tae said as he gave his coat, spreading it across her shoulders.

"Gham... Ghamsammida..."


Taehyung looked at Yeona for a moment, taking in her beautiful face.

"Why were you crying?" Tae finally broke the silence.

"Nae? I... wasn't..."

"I could see you crying Yeona. Why were you crying? Someone said something or did something?" Tae asked concerned.

"Annio... Nothing like that..."

"You sure?"

Yeona nodded.

"How... How do you know my name?" Yeona asked.

"We met at the fansigning how can I forget it so soon?"

"But...there were so many other fans...how come you remember me..."

"Ah I see Miss Song Yeona's prosecutor instincts are coming out." Tae said leaning against the car window, smirking.

Yeona's head shot up to meet his eyes. It was dark inside the car but light enough to see his expressions.

"How do you know that?"

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