Part 9

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"My head ughh..." I held my head because it felt like someone was hammering it. My eyes slowly began to open and saw an unknown environment around me. I was in a white room on a whit bed with needles put in my wrists. I slowly tried to get up but it was tough.

" body aches so much what happened?" I tried to relapse my memory and flashbacks came. Didn't I jump? Then how am I even alive? Did someone save me? Who? Before I could reach in more depth trying to figure out who saved me someone opened the door. It was someone who was the last person I wanted to see at this moment. I looked to the side not wanting to see his face.

"Y/n! You're awake...thank god I was so worried about you..." Yeonjun came jogging in and sat on a chair next to my bed.

"Please go..." I whispered softly as I kept looking at a plain white wall...basically nothing.

"What? You want me to leave?" He spoke bring his soft fingers placing it under my chin and turning my head to look at him. His touch makes me feel soft. No I can't let him do this to me again.

"Leave Yeonjun! I don't want to see your face" I shouted staring dead in his eyes, knowing if I didn't he would not listen and take me seriously.

"I'm not leaving you! I don't care if you hate me still I will not leave you, so don't raise voice. It won't do anything." He held my hands as I looked at him in anger.

"Can you please stop acting like you care about me when you don't! I know how you feel about me, so stop pitying me. Go to my sister...she probably wants you right now." I pulled my hands away from his grip. Control y/n...control your tears. Don't let them come out or else he'll think you're pathetic.

"I'm not acting y/n I truly do care about you...why are you acting so different? This isn't the y/n I know" he pushed back his hair in frustration.

"The y/n you used to know is DEAD...I'm different from her. From now on... this is the only version everyone will see. One thing I thought before jumping into that river was that there was no point it in being nice to people. They only end up taking advantage of your kindness. And I'm not letting them do it again. So get used to this harsh, rude, bad y/n..." I sighed as I layed back on my pillow as I looked up at the ceiling. Hope he understood.

"Y/n please don't do this—" before Yeonjun could say anything more the door opened. There entered Beomgyu.

"Y/n!!! Oh my goodness are you okay. Why did you jump off huh!?? How is your face, did you get hurt?! You know how worried I was about you...I couldn't stop thinking—" he ran up to me and sat on my bed leaning towards me. He held my face and examined it carefully as he spoke in worry to me. But before he could say anything more I cut him off by laying my lips on his. I'm kissing him...right in front of Yeonjun. We broke apart and saw Beomgyu's face all red.

"Y/n! What the hell how could you kiss him?" Yeonjun stood up from his chair and tightened his fists.

"I like him. I like him a lot, so don't tell me what to do okay?" I pierced my eyes at Yeonjun and then softened them  as I turned to Beomgyu before continuing to say "I like you Beomgyu you don't have to like me—" I said to Beomgyu but before I could say anything more he spoke.

"Gosh I've been waiting for you to say that...I like you to y/n. I promise to treat you right. Will you be my girlfriend?" he took out a beautiful ring holding it in front of me.

"Yes... I would love too" I moved my hand towards him as he put the ring on. I looked at Beomgyu as he smiled softly.


I looked up and saw Yeonjun had disappeared.

Yeonjun POV
F*ckkk. What the hell just happened!? I can't stand looking at Beomgyu and Y/n side by side. But now that even kissed in front of me...I-I why do I feel this way? This is so wrong I'm about to get married, but seeing Y/n become his girlfriend made me want to kill him right then and there. What is this feeling that keeps tugging my better not be what I think it is. If it is then I'm about to create a mess.

Y/n what are you doing to me...

Author's Note:

Author's Note:

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