Part 3

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It was the next day and I was in my college class sitting in the most boring lecture ever. I already knew the things the professor was teaching so what was even the point in paying attention?

"Soojinahhh..." I looked to my right and pouted to my
bestie since childhood. Soojin, how do I even began even describing her she was my second mom if you may say it. She knew everything from my ups and downs. She even knew I loved Yeonjun before even I knew it, that's how close our friendship is.

"Yes y/n, what is it this time?" she raised her eyebrows. Damn she knows me too well.

"You wanna skip class? I have something really important to tell you..." I whispered. She took a second to think but then eventually nodded. We excused ourselves by saying I had a stomach ache and that Soojin was helping me. Our lady professor let us leave by my surprise.

We went to our favorite spot in the campus, the garden area where it was filled with butterflies and flowers. We layed  down the white picnic blanket that I always carried. Soojin rested her head on my lap while I sat down leaning against the tree.

"So what is you wanted to tell me" she looked at me while laying down.

"This..." I showed her my ring finger.

"What! You're getting married? To who?!! I thought you loved Yeonjun?!" she shouted getting up from my lap and faced me with her hands on her mouth.

"Calm the freak down, I'm gonna explain everything that happened" I then started explaining everything. She was shook because she knew what I must be feeling inside even though I didn't show it.

"Aww y/n come here" she opened her arms and I hugged
her softly leaning my head on her shoulder.

"I-It's so hard Soojinah I feel like I'm slowly dying inside...every time I see him my heart pains. Seeing the person you love, love someone else especially my own
sister" I started to cry on her shoulder while she rubbed
my back softly.

"Shhh...I know its hard y/n. But don't give up beautiful, look at the ring. Even though its a coincidence what if it isn't?" I parted from the hug, in confusion by what she meant.

"W-what do you mean?" I held her hand tightly.

"What if it's a sign from god, that you shouldn't give up just yet you know?" Soojin wiped my tears.

"I-I don't know Soojin I—" I shook my head but got interrupted by a male voice. I turned around to see a handsome guy walking towards us.

"Hey I've been sitting with my friends from over there," he pointed where all of his friends that waved at us "and I thought you were really beautiful and wanted to ask if you and your friend wanna join us?" he asked then smiled. Oh my gosh his smile.

"Sure why not" I got up nudging Soojin who got up as well and we started walking towards his friend group.

"I'm Beomgyu by the way" he offered his hand.

"Y/n, nice to meet you" I shaked his hands with mine.

*time skip*
I got back home in a cheerful mood, reason being because of Beomgyu, he really knows how to cheer people up. Although I didn't show my gloomy mood I guess he sensed it. I stepped inside our house and there were people all around moving back and forth. Ribbons, flowers, glass pieces, and more where all over the house.

"What on earth is going on?" I spoke to myself.

"Oh honey! you're finally home, there is pre wedding party coming up for tomorrow so help out your sister as much as you can. She seems in a lot of stress right now so ease her mind while your dad and I manage everything else." She tapped my shoulders when a girl came up to us.

"Ma'am can you please check the party checklist" she handed my mom the checklist.

"Oh yes hold on, y/n you go upstairs and help your sister out I'll be here if you need me" she smiled as I softly nodded and went up the stairs.

As I got closer and closer to my sister's room I heard her voice talking to someone. I peeked through the door to make sure to come in slowly but stopped.

"Yeah I know, Yeonjun proposed all of a sudden I didn't know what to do other than say yes, but I don't mind. Plus he has a lot of money that's the only reason I dated him for so many years. But I don't love him, I love someone else..." she sighed "...anyways I'll call you later there's a lot of people in my house, I don't wanna get caught." Areum hung up the call.

I caught you...

Author's Note:

Author's Note:

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