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"What did I do to deserve this huh? All I wanted was happiness for you... but now I'm so tired. I just wanna end this all...I wanna end me....and that's what I'm going to do."

I turned around and started running in the opposite direction. I didn't care at this point where I was going all I knew was that I wasn't going to see his face ever again.

I hate you Yeonjun, you changed the y/n everyone once knew. Now you're going to see her hatred. But as if right now I don't know if you'll even see it...because I wanna disappear. And I'm going to disappear.

As I ran the sharp branches cut my arms causing me pain. I fell onto the ground because of my heels so I took it off and threw it away. So now I was running barefoot...the pain was intolerant but it was nothing compared to what Yeonjun gave me. Then I suddenly heard water, I followed where it was coming from and saw a bridge.

The water was deep someone could die if they jumped in and that made me think

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The water was deep someone could die if they jumped in and that made me think...I should jump...there's no reason to live anyways. I held my necklace around my neck that Yeonjun had given me. And pulled it really hard making the beads falling off. A sharp pain filled my body and radiated through my foot causing me to body took over my mind. Cold water hit my body until everything around me blurred.

Author's POV
Darkness enveloped her. The water closed in around her, filling her with a deep dread. She held her breath as long as she could, too long in fact. Red and black splotches danced in front of her and she couldn't remember if her eyes were opened or closed. The coldness she had felt upon entering the water was completely gone. A desperate hot wave had come over her, warming even her cold toes. Her heart was beating rapidly in panic. The urgency for air was more apparent than ever. There weren't red blotches in her field of vision anymore. It was all black.

Even though she knew she couldn't swim. She opened her mouth, gasping for air. Her last thought as she sank were...—

Yeonjun POV
Where is she?!! I shouldn't have said that...what is wrong with me. What if she does something wrong with herself no no no...I ran after her.

I followed the noise of her footsteps finding her heels thrown on the ground as she rushed through the forest. Why the hell is she running without her heels. I ran after her without waiting a second. And then I suddenly heard a splashing noise. Please god no...y/n...if you did what I was doing I will never forgive myself. I ran towards the noise to see a bridge that y/n and I used to come in secret. Seeing a necklace on the bridge I rushed towards it and saw y/n's body sinking in the water.

"Y/n!!" I yelled taking my shoes off and jumped without thinking about anything. The only one that was in my mind was y/n. I grabbed y/n out of the water and placed her in the bridge. Gently touching her wet face.

"Y/n wake up please wake up!" I shaked her body but her body was lifeless. I have to to do CPR on her...I then placed my hands on her chest and pushed it a few times hoping she would breathe or else I had to do mouth to mouth—

"Ohoho" her voice came out as she coughed out all the water. Her eyes could barely open...she's alive. Tears
flowed out as I hugged her fragile body close to me.

Why did the thought losing her...made my heart weak?

Author's Note:

Author's Note:

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