Despair | F.H

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The words hit her like a brick. There's no other way to describe how much despair she felt when Number Seven of the Umbrella Academy told her of the news. The young girl's face stayed emotionless as Vanya kept apologizing.

" He's gone, Y/n... "

The words repeated in her head like a broken record. The ordinary Hargreeve sibling took refuge in Y/n's arms. The emotionless girl wrapped her arms around the crying girl.

" Y/n I tried! I tried so hard! He wouldn't listen. " Vanya sobbed, holding onto Y/n's shirt, " It's okay, Vanya, you'll be okay. " Y/n's voice was oddly calm for hearing the news of her best friend leaving.

Comforting the sobbing brunette in her arms, the h/c haired girl didn't know how to feel. The male she was always confined in was gone within the blink of an eye. She couldn't even begin to imagine where. It was like trying to find x in an equation without given enough information.

The ordinary Hangreeve sister had cried herself to sleep in the arms of Y/n, leaving Y/n only one option; carry Vanya to bed. So that's what she did. She took the young girl to her room and gently set her down.

Now that Vanya was asleep, Y/n had no real reason to be in the Hargreeves manor anymore, so she left. Without a word, she exited the building. The teenage girl felt different, her shoulders felt more decadent, and an immense amount of despair filled her.

Y/n was an ordinary girl who happened to come across Five while sitting outside. The female immediately caught Five's attention when they were only ten years of age. The moment they met, something clicked, and from that day, it was almost impossible to separate the best friends.

Five initially thought she was just an ordinary girl, which in a way was right. She had no powers. However, the female's extensive knowledge in math was far beyond average, and her sarcastic comments were so witty it'd leave people speechless. Number Five was– for lack of a better word; astonished at the young girl.

It didn't take long for the green-eyed boy to put all his trust into this girl. She knew just about everything about him within a week! He also took the much needed time to trust him; she was more cautious on who to trust after being left so many times.

However, Five was beyond patient and understood her reasoning. For the beginning part of their friendship, they got to know each other, including the supernatural Hargreeves boys' power.

His power didn't affect the girl whatsoever. She was intrigued, fascinated at that. Y/n was nerdy, geeky, so everything about time travel had been in her book of interests since she was a kid.

Since before she could speak, she had always had a love of science, more specifically, quantum physics. Five couldn't be happier that someone shared not only his extensive knowledge on the subject but also the passion he had.

The girl entered her room and threw her backpack on her floor as she had just returned home from school. Her heartfelt sober, and she didn't know what to do. The e/c eyed girl had no homework to complete and no extracurricular activities. Normally she'd spend these days with Five, but he was gone.

Y/n slid down the door of her bedroom and brought her knees to her chin. Her arms wrapped securely around them, keeping them in place. She took deep breaths in and out to remain calm.

" Shit... " Was muttered out from her mouth as everything began to hit her at once.

The next couple of months weren't much different. Her emotionless mask became normal. It was rare to see her smile, and she felt like she hadn't smiled in years. The weirdest element about Y/n was she never cried for her best friend.

Maybe it's because she always knew he was alive, or she hoped at least. She tried not to think about it. Regardless after a year, she began to notice something, she wasn't aging. She remained 13, which was scary.

Her parents immediately blamed it on the supernatural Hargreeves siblings she had been hanging out with, forbidding her from ever going there. The arguing that night was countless hours between her and her parents.

Deep down, her parents knew Five cared more about her than he did himself. But they couldn't help but need someone to blame. But even when she was forbidden from seeing her friends, she never once cried. Not a tear slipped from her eye.

Getting through high school at the age of 13 was hard. She was mentally 18 years old, but she appeared to be 13. It wasn't a cliché where she got bullied when in reality, she just got ignored, isolated. Eventually, she got fed up with her parent's rules and continued to visit the Hargreeves.

Vanya was more than ecstatic to find her best friend back. So much so she took Y/n in to live with her. The two best friends soon became roommates, and neither of them could be happier with the decision.

But there was always something that would be missing from Y/n, and that was Five.

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