Serene 2 | F.H

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" Life just keeps getting worse, I suppose. I can't even date these because the days pass, and I don't know what day it is. I think we're only a month in. I've started to speak to Five more. He was flabbergasted when he heard my voice for the first time, but the smile on his face was hard to miss.

I feel bad for him. I watched him grieve for his siblings in silence. He talks the world of them. It's somewhat cute to see how passionate he gets when he speaks of Vanya and Klaus. It seems that they had a special place in his heart.

The green color in his eyes seems to glitter more. Sometimes it's from the lingering water residing or the passion that just rolls off his tongue in such a satisfying way. He's a beautiful being, truly. I feel so happy I got stuck with him despite how different we are.

My voice was hoarse after not talking for a month. I was surprised it even worked, to be honest. I could feel every word I wanted to say on the tip of my tongue. There was so much I wanted to say– so much I needed to say, but I just couldn't.

It was like my head was overflowing with overwhelming emotion. Five is delicate and ill-tempered. I don't want to anger him. He seems so fired up nowadays. The last thing I want is to add fuel. Especially now. "

" I like to think it's about six months in. I could be entirely off. It's about autumn now. What's left of the leaves of the trees are changing color. It's magnificent. Five smiles more. Perhaps it's because I speak now. Regardless, he's not as fired up anymore. He's calm and patient.

He understands that I dislike conflict. I caught him looking through a broken-down library the other day. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but he seemed so calm and content. He was just sitting on the floor, crisscross, breathing. That's it. He just lived for a long while.

Maybe he was treasuring the fact he could still breathe. Possibly he was calming himself down before reaching our tiny settlement. He never looks that content unless he's asleep, but I don't ever get to see him sleep. He refuses to let himself relax unless I'm sleeping myself.

Five's strategic, but he does this as a sense of protection. He doesn't ease up until he knows I'm safe and calm. It's a way of affection that he gives without saying the words 'I care about you'. It's always little things with Five. I wouldn't say he likes me or has a crush on me. But I'd say he's very patient with me.

Right now, life isn't as bad. "

" A whole year has gone by. That much I know because it's winter again. Five and I are now fourteen. Nothing has changed between us. We're still cordial with each other. He's talked so much about his past, about his training, siblings, and family.

I think it comforts him to talk about himself or what remains of himself. He speaks of his goals and aspirations, which I nod along to. He tells me I'm a good listener, but I've only grown up to be a listener. He doesn't know that, of course. I listen, I observe, and I report. That's what my life was like. Talking wasn't in the picture. "

" I don't know how much time has passed. I've lost count of the number of seasons, but I feel about twenty. Five shows more interest in me. More curiosity than before. He's sweet. The other day he found a book that he gifted to me.

I found an envelope to put these parchments inside when we time travel back. I'd like to keep these for him and me. Maybe give them to him eventually. I finally told him of my past: the abuse, the quietness, loneliness, and hurt. Five understood more than anyone. He's been through it.

Despite knowing my past, he still wants to be here. I talk more to him. He let me know how grateful he was for it. He said he loves my voice and the way my words roll of my tongue. Sometimes at night, he just asks me to speak. Nothing in particular, just chatting.

He especially likes when I read to him. His sister Vanya wrote an autobiography, and he let me read it to him. I've never seen him so vulnerable before. He cried in my arms for hours when I read. He crumbled everything down and let me in. It was the best feeling I could ever have. "

" This may sound cliché, but I think Five likes me or has a crush on me. His cheeks get a tinge of pink now despite the springtime. I feel something for him, but I can't decide what it is just yet, but it's something. He's a sweetheart.

I began writing my first draft of a novel. I don't think I'm going to tell him about it. I prefer to keep this private, primarily since it's based on my life. I want Five to be a part of my life. The other day I was exploring. I found people, and it hurt. I saw a little kid. I don't know their name, but she was adorable. Maybe around the age of four.

For the first time in a while, I allowed myself to cry. I was alone. This little girl was so pure, so innocent. She didn't deserve this. Five got hurt yesterday. It took all my strength to heal him. I haven't used my healing powers in years, I believe.

It doesn't really affect me much. It just drains me. Five wasn't expecting it. I didn't tell him that I had them or how I ended up in the apocalypse. It was a scary injury. He got slashed across the stomach with a metal object.

I collapsed on him. "

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